A date with the Past.. (14)

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About an Hour before Aaliyiah Decided to go back to the castle

Maria POV:


She's totally my favorite and only best friend. 

I should totally do something for her.. Oh that's right! I am. She should get back in an hour or so, so that gives me time to go shopping. I should go to the expensive side of the village, not the regular village. I might run into her and give away my plan. Now lets find something to wear.

I picked out a blue hoodie and grabbed a hat and a mask and went out.

I know Liya asked me not to leave but this is for her surprise, otherwise I wouldn't have left. Now what does Liya like?

I arrived at the most expensive part of the village, which only took about 10 minutes because I rode a bike. I went inside and started looking for things Liya might like. 

Hey! She might like this! I picked up a rainbow-beaded bracelet and looked closely at it.

Suddenly I felt strange, like deja vu. I had looked up because it scared me but when I looked back down it had my name!

"Did this always have my name!?" I yelled, and everyone in the store heard me and I quickly left. What was that about, I was sure that the bracelet said BFF on it. Maybe I'm just imagining things.

I was still searching around for a gift and then I saw something amazing that I had never seen before.

A 'Free Petting Zoo Outside around back' poster.

I quickly ran to the front of the mall and biked around and saw it.

"AHHHHHHH ILOVEANIMALS!!" I ran over to the crowd and pushed my way through. There was a horse petting zoo. I loved horses, I don't know why there just so cute!

I went inside a tent and my eyes caught the one white horse with a bow.

I ran up to it and petted it. "Aw you're so cute! You remind me of Lacey.." 


Wait a second- who's Lacey?

Just then a sharp pain went through my head and I fell on the floor. Ow, this really hurts, what's happening? Why am I saying random things? Who is Lacey? Someone has to know what's wrong with me. I can't find a gift If this keeps happening.

I decided to leave and bike home so I could see a doctor. I didn't want to bother my father because he was really busy planning the wedding so I decided to just get someone myself.

"Thank you Dr. Benji for seeing me so late."  "Its fine Maria, I'm always here to help you."

Dr.Benji is my favorite! He's the best, he makes me feel better so fast and when he's done he gives me candy! AmAziNg! He was an average 30 year old man but was also one of my friends.

"So what's the problem Maria?" He said, "Well I keep having these sort of 'flashbacks' as you can call them but it only happens when like, I don't know." I said, How do I even explain this. "Like what things you touch to make it happen?" He said, I thought about it for a minute, I don't remember this ever happening before, not to mention I don't remember anything before my 16! Why did that just come to mind? Do I have a terrible memory? I'm trying to remember if this ever happened before but everything before is just blank!

"I don't remember anything!" I yelled, I was sweating from this stress, plus it was hot. "I mean, I got a feeling and an illusion about a rainbow bracelet." I said, "Oh that's all?" He wrote that down on this notepad I just realized he had. "No, I also called out a name to a horse but it was a random name." 

"what name?"  "Lacey, I think."  The doctor dropped his pen and looked at me. "So you're starting to remember?" He said, I have no idea what just happened or what this guy is talking about. "I should tell your father." He got up and started walking to the door. 

"wait!" I grabbed his arm slightly, not wanting to hurt him in any way. "If you know something about me, please just tell me, no need to drag my father into this." I used my puppy-doll eyes, knowing that no one can say no to them, only my dad, of course.

"..Fine, you want the whole truth?"


735 words.

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