386 7 17

Here is the Information of the story, please read!

- Grabber does not exsist

-Present time "2023" ( Because I don't know anything from the past)

- Finney lives with his Grandma ( who btw is 🤑💵RICH💵🤑)

-Robin says he straight, but he knows he's Gay

-Robin is friends with Finney's bullies, making him a bully to Finney. ( By the way Robin is not friends with "Matt, Matty, and Buzz" I'm making up different bully characters. Because I'm not making Robin friends with those CRUSTY RATS)

✨People in the story✨

Finney Blake💫- Bisexual, 17

Robin Arellano👍- Gay, 17

Bruce Yamada⚾-  Bisexual, 17

Vance Hopper🤟- Bisexual, 18

Griffin Stagg❤️- Gay, 16

Billy Showalter😉- Gay, 17

Gwen Blake🥰- Straight, 15

Amy Yamada😊- Straight, 15

Donna😽- Straight, 17

✨ Here are my made up characters✨

Leo Champbell😒- Straight, 17, Bully to Finney

Tyler Smith🙄- Bisexual, 17, Bully to Finney

Jackie Moore😬- Straight, 17, Bully to Finney

Alice Rose🥱- Straight, 17, SIMP for ehm... Robin

Grandma Lily💖- Lol I don't know, 69, The richest grandma🤑🤑🤑

That's it lovelies ENJOY!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I hope I will have time to Post tomorrow!❤️

Okay and also forgot to include this but there going to be living Los Angeles, California

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