[Trigger Warning: Disturbing scenes ahead]

Len stares at his bed with crossed arms, "Should I sleep with a sweater on? It's butt cold."

  Although Len somewhat enjoyed winter, at the same time it sucked. Being bundled up in a warm blanket and a sweater was nice, but sometimes he would get too hot. The heater would be turned on at night every so often, but his father will sometimes turn it off. Len got unlucky on these nights and would sleep with a tank top and sweats and would wake up cold. It was a never ending battle.

  "No one better turn the fucking heater off," Len yawns as he takes his sweater off. Tonight was a tank top and sweats night. He checks his phone. "Midnight, I need to go to bed. Thanks for the weekend homework, Hiyama. Rin's sure to copy it before school later." Len groans as he undoes his hair from the half up half down hair style he decided to have today at home. He brushes out his hair before heading to bed.

  As he lays in bed, Len looks at his room walls in discontent. Rin's peachy, girly walls have finally bothered him these past days. He misses the soft, cool gray color that were painted on his walls. Maybe he'll talk Rin into letting him paint this room. It might be a lost cause and instead she might ask to switch rooms. Len shrugs the idea away immediately and goes to sleep.

  Len's eyes shoot open. He doesn't know what time it is. All he knows is that he feels hot breathing on the nape of his neck as he lays on his side. The bed is shifting more than usual. Did Rin have a nightmare and decide to sleep next to him? She's stopped coming into his bed since they were thirteen and chooses to hug a teddy bear if she's scared.

What time is it? He lays still. His breathing is still slow, pretending that he's in deep sleep.

Len feels a hand grab at his waist. He stays calm. He doesn't move suddenly and chooses to stay still. The hand feels hot on his clothed skin. His heart races as he feels a bit anxious. This hand was not his sister's.

His suspicion was correct. Len shuts his eyes tight, and his stomach drops when he feels something poke at him. He knew what it was. He has one of his own. It feels awful to feel on his bum.

The hot breath feels too hot that Len begins to feel stuffy even if his blood is currently running cold. The smell of smoke mixed with alcohol makes him want to vomit. Len hears soft, incoherent gurgling. The hot hand simply rubs his stomach a few times. Then, everything remains still.

So still, in fact, Len feels like as if this were an eternity. There is no ounce of sleepiness in his body. He's just laying there with his eyes wide.

Len has no clue how much time has passed when the weight of his bed shifts once more. He hears uncoordinated footsteps leave his bedside. The mumbling continues. Len chooses not to turn around.

He stays wide awake for the rest of the night.

In class, you pick up on how tired Len is. He has his head down. When he would pick his head up, he would yawn, and you would see him rub his eyes. His eyes were a little red, and his under eyes had a slightly darker tinge to them.

  "Kagamine." Mr. Hiyama calls out.

  Rin looks at Len. She snickers, "Which one?"

  The entire class smiles. Mr. Hiyama always forgot he had a pair of twins in his class. He grew annoyed when Rin would ask that question even if it wasn't a dumb one.

  "Since we want the class to move on, I would say Len." He answers.

  Rin has her mouth wide open. Miku giggles, "It's true."

  "Len." Mr. Hiyama calls out.

  Len still had his head down, probably sleeping. The entire class stares at him. Classmates don't bother touching him or trying to wake him up. Some even throw paper balls at him for fun.

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