Anxiety turns into genuine laughter.

Laughter turns into jokes.

Jokes turn into possible friendships.

Pain turns into enjoyment.

Weirdly enough, the choir club turns into something Len looks forward to. He often looks at the clock for class to end. He hates being put on cleaning duty for the chalkboard, but he can't say no. Those days, he gets a scolding from three members in particular.

However, Gakupo, Dell, and Haku are the only people who make him smile. The only ones who bring him up. Although half of the club dislikes him, he doesn't mind if these three are there. He's too shy to call them his friends, but he feels a lot closer to them.

"How's studying going?" Rin snaps Len out of it as he wipes down the chalkboard.

He shrugs, "Fine as usual. You should be studying too instead of focusing on art. Mom and Dad would want you to get in a good university y'know."

She rolls her eyes, "Ugh, I do study. I just do it after dinner."

"Uh huh..." Len hums suspiciously. He nods with a mocking frown. Rin wonders what he's gonna say. "That's why you're listening to music while you sing and dance."

Rin's face is red as a tomato, "Spying on me?"

The shakes his head, "No, but the stomping of your feet sure makes doing homework after dinner hard."

"It's not my fault NewJean's has good music. Music helps with studying." She continues to sweep. "Maybe you should join a club. Studying can get boring, no?"

"It pays off eventually. I hope you're having fun in your art club." He says.

"Yeah the people in there are nice. However, our meetup dates might change, so it looks like we'll be going home early on certain days." She smiles.

Len stops, "Oh..."

"Unless you want to keep on studying, I'm sure I can find myself occupied. I'll let you know though." Rin sweeps up the dirt to go throw it away.




Len is anxious about the scolding. He hates getting yelled at and picked on by those three. He hurries quickly after walking Rin to her art club. He's making sure not to be seen by any of his friends. They'd question him as to why he's hanging out with his bullies. Len doesn't feel in the mood to explain as there is no explanation at all.

All he wants is to sing and play music.

Before Len could even slide the door open, Piko emerges from the door. The two just stare at each other. Piko raises a brow, "Why are you here?"

"He's a part of our club." Haku grabs Len's hand and brings him in.

  "Aren't you supposed to be fetching water for the soccer team?" Dell mocks. Piko doesn't say anything. He leaves.

  "Practice? They have practice again?" Haku pouts.

  "Both my boyfriend and Gakupo are good at soccer, they're bound to get into a good school with the skills they have." Meiko bloats.

  "You're right. Plus, I have a meeting with the art club." Luka says.

  Right, Len had forgot that Luka leaves early sometimes to go to the same club Rin is in. As far as he knows, Luka hasn't opened her mouth to Rin that he's in the choir club. In fact, Rin is pretty fond of Luka. If she only knew Luka would pick on him too.

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