You wake up with your mom sitting next to you as she's still asleep with her head resting on the edge of your bed. You sit up carefully, hoping to not wake her up. She groans in pain from being hunched over in her sleep. She must've been worried again.

You look around the room to see medicine sprawled out, a water bottle, a bowl of soup, and wet towels. She must have thought you came down with something, causing you not to wake up. You frown at the thought of your mother being terrified.

"(Y/n)..?" She yawns.

"Mom?" You ask.

She sits up quickly, "(Y/n)! Oh honey!"

She gets up and attacks your face with kisses. She hugs you tight. You groan playfully. She pats your head gently.

"Mom, I promise I'm okay." You whisper.

"You don't wake up. Of course we'd be scared." She responds.

"Listen, if this happens continuously, please don't worry about it. I'm fine, really." You smile.

"Well you're missing every other day of school dear. That's not okay." Your mom pouts.

"I got this. Just...don't bother worrying if this happens again." You say.

Your mom sighs, "Okay. If you don't manage to wake up in two days, we're taking you to the hospital."

You nod, "Okay."

Since you had woken up earlier than usual, you just decided to get up rather than stay in bed a few more minutes. The likelihood of you sleeping in was certain. You shower while your mom tries to prepare breakfast for you and your sibling before she leaves for work with your dad.

As you leave the bathroom, your sibling makes a face at you. They push you out into the hallway and slam the door. They were probably worried too. They just had a...special way of showing it.

Your mom whipped up a quick meal as you were in your room putting on your uniform. She was nice enough to even make you lunch. It was a simple rice, hard boiled egg, veggies, and the left overs from last night's main dish. You walk out, smelling the warm soup she tried giving you last night. She had heated it up for you to eat this morning.

You sit at the table, carefully eating to not burn yourself. Your mother looks at you with worry as she gets ready herself for work. You notice it as you chew. You told her you were fine.

"Mom, I promise I'm okay." You reassure.

You mom sighs, "Baby, are sure you're okay? Is it because you're sad?"

"What?" You gulp down your food.

"Well...the Kagamine's told me what happened the day after it occurred. I figured you found out at school and-"

"Mom, I promise it's not that."

"(Y/n), just talk to us. Okay? I don't know why you're sleeping in. If it's because of what happened to Len, just know he's in a better pl-"


"It's just...we don't want that happening to y-"

"That's enough. I'm going to school."

You don't finish your meal. You take your lunch, and you slip on your shoes and coat when you leave the door. You say your empty farewell, and you make your way to school.

"God, how can she say that?" You grumble.

Len was in a better place? Well of course he was. He wasn't being bullied anymore. That was obvious. Why did your mom have to say that about you though? God, parents can be insensitive despite their age.

Rolling Through Time (Len Kagamine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now