"Y'know (Y/n), your crush on Len couldn't be more obvious." Fukase teases.

"I don't have a crush on him." You argue.

"Don't bother, Fukase. She's gonna keep denying it." Miku teases.

  "Look! Len come here!" Rin points in the opposite direction. She smiles when you turn your head. "Just kidding."

  You roll your eyes, "Shut up."

  "Len has been absent these days though. Wonder why.." Miku mumbles as she takes a bite from her lunch.

  Fukase shrugs, "As far as I know, he isn't eating in the bathroom or the rooftop. I don't know where he runs off to."

  "Don't worry, (Y/n). Len is probably in study hall or in the library getting some sleep or studying done. He's been doing that at home recently!" Rin chirps.

  "Okay..." You mumble.

  Len winced at the strong taste. Ginger tea. He hates ginger tea. That's definitely noted in his head now.

Haku giggles as he passes her back the thermos, "I know. It takes getting used to."

It had been a few days where Len ditched your group to practice singing with Haku in the choir club. She promised to give him private lessons since the actual choir club would bully Len. She did the best to hide the fact that they were doing this.

"Soothes the throat..." Len mumbles.

"Y'know Len," Haku pulls out the piano's bench to sit on it. "You're a really good singer. It took me a long time to get Gakupo to understand the difference between 'so' and 're.' It was like a battle!"

Len blushes, "When I'm home alone I just—well I just practice y'know?"

Haku looks around the club room, "You don't play any instruments? I know your voice is your instrument. Anything else?"

"I had a guitar and key piano but my dad...sold it. I had a friend in middle school who taught me how to play his keytar. The only thing I know how to play is the piano. My mom payed for lessons for a few years as a kid until I was a second year in middle school. My teacher wasn't the nicest. It's been years though, so I don't know how well I play." He explains.

"If you're good as Luka, that'd be amazing! She's always distracted..." Haku mumbles.

If Len was honest, he could see a lot of himself in Haku. Shy, nervous, anxious, and quiet. In a morbid way, he wondered why she wasn't picked on like him. It seemed unfair.

Perhaps it was because she was close to Luka. Haku was also really pretty. Len could see that from a mile away. She was also very soft spoken, voice like silk. She was also gentle and elegant.

Len was none of those. So it was no wonder to why he gets bullied.

"I don't know," Len chuckles nervously. "Luka may be way more advanced."

Haku gets up from the seat, "Don't discourage yourself, Len. Please, go ahead. Play something."

Len awkwardly shuffles to the bench. He plops down, gives Haku a hesitant stare, and he goes back to looking at the piano. He touches a few keys, and he taps down to test the sound. It felt familiar.

  "Any suggestions?" He asks nervously.

  "What you feel." Haku smiles tenderly.

  "Um.." Len hums.

  He presses a few keys to get a feel. That's what C sounds like. That's what F and G sound like. Haku just watches intently as he warms up.

  Suddenly, a melody begins to play. Haku immediate recognizes it. Anyone would recognize it actually. Für Elise, a classical piece.

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