[Trigger Warning: Mentions of Suicide, physical abuse, and substance abuse]

  Dell Honne is confused as to why you have been avoiding him for the past few days. He heard of your suspension, and he was worried about you. It made him worry more that you seemed standoffish all of a sudden. You'd ask him what to cook when you got the chance to see him. Now? Nothing.

He sits in the empty classroom. He's even holding off on smoking a cigarette, knowing you always grimace at the smell. He just stares at the sliding door during lunch. He knows Miku isn't here today. She has long blue hair, of course anyone would notice if she were gone or not. Your friend Rin isn't here either. You were bound to come.

You don't.

He plays with his lighter. His right thumb feels sore and the spark wheel left an imprint on it. He lays his chin on his palm. An annoyed sigh leaves his lips.

"Did I piss her off?" He questions.

You talked to everyone but him. You were the type to confront people. Why not confront him? Why not berate him?

"Pip!" He calls out.

He sees you at the shoe lockers. You were changing out your shoes. You see him, your face full of animosity. You don't quicken your pace to avoid him. You continue at the same pace to change your shoes.

"Aw, quit ignoring me, pipsqueak." He chuckles as he rubs your shoulders playfully.

  "Don't touch me." Your tone is like poison.

  You shrug his touch off aggressively. You're mad at him? You continue to change your shoes. He follows you outside the school. He's like a puppy behind his owner.

"Did I do something wrong?"


"C'mon, Pip. Don't be like that." He sulks.



"Dell, leave me alone!" You shout. You both stare at one another. You get looks from others. You click your tongue, and you leave.

Dell just stands there. He kicks the floor gently. He goes back upstairs silently. Cigarette smoke fills his lungs as he decides to stay after school for a few hours. Maybe he'll finish a whole pack today.

You walk with Fukase, "The hell was that about?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't know." You spit.

"That's because I don't." Fukase frowns.

"He's involved with bullying Len." You mutter. "That's a different story. Tell me where Yuuma hangs out again."

  Since talking to Fukase in the past, apparently this is another change that happened in the present. Fukase stopped participating in Len's bullying in the past. It's not like he bullied Len constantly, but he did do his part in ignoring him. He hung out at your table since you called out Piko. As for Piko, he hasn't changed much. That's only because past Fukase has yet to confront him.

  "Yuuma? I have no clue. That dude is worse off than I am. He hops around all the time, so he doesn't stay at one spot. If anything, we can go over his house." Fukase suggests.

"That's a good idea. However, I'd feel a little weird going to his house to basically interrogate him." You admit meekly.

"So," Fukase lowly whistles, awkwardly. You know what he's about to ask. He clicks his tongue, "Why are we doing this again?"

"Morbid curiosity." You lie quickly.

"Huh," Fukase is a bit taken aback. "Isn't that a little fucked up?"

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