Chapter 4

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Gloomy. That's how this day started. The trees looked like they were crying with the rain tripped of them. How the cold air seemed to creep around my room, filling it. I covered my hands with my sleeves to stay warm. The cold floor grabbing at me feet as I walked to the kitchen, to find Pony sitting at the table, gloomy. His eyes were drizzling tears like the rain outside. I sat beside him and asked
"What's wrong Ponyboy?"
Between tears he said "today.. is .. the day.. Johnny and Dally.... died."
After this sentence escaped his mouth, he broke down. He grabbed my shoulder and cried. Sodapop came out of the bathroom and Pony tried to stop by looking up. He left his tears on my shoulder to soak in to my skin. soda joined in because he knew what today was. Darry appeared at the doorway, his hands in fist stuffed in his pockets trying to hold it together. Two-Bit ran in hiding from the rain. His normally happy face was like stone, he grabbed a beer and sat down. No emotion, nothing. Steve slowly entered. Almost anticipating the sadness. His face was cold almost icy and his eyes big like Johnny's. I needed to cry. I ran into my room. Steve quickly followed, being the only one that noticed. his strong arms wrapped around me as I cried my eyes dry. He knew when I was done and held me to his chest, rocking me like a baby. I released myself from his grasp and squeezed his shoulder.
"Are you okay, Willow?"
"Yes, Steve thank you."
His icy eyes seemed to melt slightly. I smiled.

Later that night, the Girls came over. Bailey was the saddest. she has been Johnny's girl. They were inseparable. Her heart shattered that day, she hardly ate or slept for a week. Her glowing skin, dulled. After sometime, she recovered but I don't think she can ever love like she loved Johnny.

The Gang was drinking, the one thing I hate to watch them do. Get drunk to hide their feelings. B was drinking too. Nat, Grace and I don't drink, so we went for a walk. We walked to the lot and back.
"Why did they have to die." Nat absentmindedly asked.
We all thought for a moment in silence. the silence was broken by the sound of a car. Slowly driving behind us was a yellow Sting Ray. We panicked and they pulled up in front of us, cornered. I remember what happened to Johnny.
"Well, if it is not some fine looking broads." Said the oldest one. they all laughed. He stopped in front of me.
" This one, the Curtis' sister, right?"
I gulped.
"The one that pissed off my brother."
Damn I thought Jesse was a Soc.
Three of them came up behind us and tied up our hands. Tightly. The oldest one laughed as we were pushed down, hard, landing on our butts. The switch blades were out. One for each girl. First one leaned on Nat. She winched at the sight of the blade slowly he cut down her shirt, all the way down. She cried out and we joined. Hoping the Gang heard. A cloth was stuffed in to our mouth. The blonde one climbed on to Grace. The blade pushed up against her neck.
Next, the oldest one came to me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. Sickening. His finger danced up my legs pushing my skirt up. I wanted to spit in his face, the nerve he had. the blade was drawn. Placed on my arm, he began to cut long lines up my arm. The blood poured out. I wanted to cry, the pain was like nothing I have ever felt. The others began to punch and kick us. the last thing I remember is his voice
"It's what you deserve."
The world went black. Pitch black.

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