Chapter 3

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I rubbed my eyes and stood up slowly. The floor was cold and the air stale. I opened my window, letting the fresh crispy morning air in. I walked out to my kitchen to find no one was awake. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the chocolate milk. A low grumble pinched the air. I jumped a bit then looked in to the living room. Steve was asleep on the couch. Normally we would find someone asleep on the couch, mostly Dally or Steve. Damn I miss Dally and Johnny! I thought to myself. I about the good old gang but those days are over.
Steve was sleeping soundly and I needed revenge so I found a bucket in the kitchen and filled it up with water. Darry would kill me if the sofa got wet but I didn't care. I tiptoed over to the sofa. Quickly, I dumped the bucket on to Steve and ran in to the kitchen. He roared up from the sofa and cussed. Looking for the culprit, he stopped me. The chase was on. Out the backdoor I ran, but Steve caught me. He arm firmly grasped my waist and he pinned me. I fought just like Soda taught me but it was no use, his quick hand began to tickle me and he only stopped when Darry yelled from his room to
"Shut the hell up, its my day off!"
We lay on the grass, the morning sun crawling up the trees. Then Ponyboy came outside, he sat down with us.
"Why are you all wet, Steve?" He asked
Steve and I just laughed for a bit
"Your brat sister!"
I pushed him over playfully.
Sodapop appeared at the door, leaning against the frame.
"Steve, ready in 10 minutes for work?"
Steve jumped up
"Oh, right"

Pony and I were left alone.
"Willow Branch, do you think Grace likes me?" He suddenly said "I mean that I like her, she's the best girl I know"
I sighed "She thinks you're real sweet, but Grace never really says all she means."
He smiled and sighed sweetly. His eyes sparkling in the early morning sun.

It was Saturday, so me and the Girls all went downtown. We hung out with the Gang and drank Cokes. At 6pm I remember I had a date. Jesse Witchin was his name. Tall, stocky build but a sweet guy. He's in my math class, we are going to the movies. I race home.

At the door I ran into Darry, bounced of his rock hard chest. he picked me up
"You should slow down, just an idea."
I'm late for my date. Okay?" I explained
He flinched "Date?"
"Just a guy from my math class, no big."
"He better have you back by 11pm or I will wring his sorry neck."
Darry was the most overprotective brother ever. I quickly walked in to my room. throwing on my favorite dress. A knee length pink dress with a low back. When I'm ready, I sit on our sofa with Two-Bit. He looks at me first (I never wear dresses around the gang) then gave my an approving nod. Seconds later, Sodapop comes out of the shower with only a towel on. I remember I forgot my hair pin in the bathroom.
*knock on door*
I race out of the bathroom but Soda is already there, greeting Jesse with only his towel on. I push him aside.
"Wow, Soda now you've scarred my date."
He shrugged and walked away.

At 8pm, the Drive In movie was starting. Jesse and I were sitting in his brothers car. A nice one, I bet Steve would love this car. Anyways, we shared a popcorn and each had a Coke. He slowly reached his arm over my head and landed it on my shoulder. I was okay with that. But then his sneaky hands tried to grab my boob. The nerve of some people! I pushed him away. He grabbed my waist and tried to pull me in. I used my thumb to push at his eye, a trick taught to me by Darry. ran out of the car, slamming it in his face.
"You'll be sorry, you greasy shank!"
He yelled from the front seat. I ran out of the drive in and back home. Staying out of view from the Socs. When I arrive home, my cheeks were stinging from the tears and my eyes were red. I hoped the Gang was not around, but that's never likely. I slowly opened the door and there was the gang. Sitting on the couch eating cake and goofing off. Everyone stared at me because it was so obvious I had been crying. Soda was the first to stand up, his eyes saddened. His arm came around my shoulder and squeezed slightly.
"You want to talk about it?" He asked
"Not really."
"Whatever you want because we all are about you."
"Let's just say, he was a obvious Soc because of his car and clothes. He tried to touch me and stuff like that. Then he vowed revenge."
Darry stood up
"No one will ever hurt you when we are around. You know that."
" I know, Darry but now I want to be alone."
I fell asleep that night with tear stained cheeks and my favourite dress on.

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