Chapter 9

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Willow's P.O.V

Today was cold for summer but it was still nice. The morning sun had risen and I was walking down to Bailey's house with Ponyboy and Two-Bit because no one would let me be alone anymore. Bailey's house was right before the town and almost where the hoods live. I rang the doorbell.
"Yes?" Baileys mother answered the door. Her hair was pulled in to a bun with fly aways.
"Is Bailey home?" Two-Bit asked quickly.
"No." Her eyes were wide and scared. "She has not been home for two days?"
I suddenly got very scared.
"Where's my baby, she the only one I have left!" She was about to break. "She used to be as innocent as they can be here." Her voice trailed off.
"Don't worry Ms. Nickel, we can find her."
I almost sprinted home with Pony tailing behind and Two having a hard time catching up.

Grace's P.O.V
I walked to the Curtis home and just as I matched up the porch, Willow came running around the corner.
"B is missing."
I wanted to faint. Had she finally cracked? She used to be this amazingly sweet girl but Johnny was her rock. She had gone from the sweetest ever to hard and tough. I remembered her smile that could lighten a room and how she always glowed. Her eye went grey the day Johnny died and her glow dulled.
"We have to find her before..." I could not finish my thought, it was to painful to think of. Ponyboy appeared around the corner with Two-Bit.
This was going to be awkward. Two-Bit knew what was going to happen so he lead Willow in to the house, leaving me and Pony alone. Alone.
"Look, I'm sorry." I started to say but he stopped me.
"I don't care about your past, because I want to focus on our future." He walked closer. "I'm not in your last as I wanted to be. I know about you and Dally. It's okay. Now it's me." He wrapped me in his arms and kissed me like he never had before.
"Grace Barns, I love you."

Nat's P.O.V

I was at the Curtis house as soon as I heard to news. My eyes were red, I tried to hide that I was crying. Soda tried to calm me down. I sat on his lap as he wiped the tears and replaced them with kisses..
"Okay, so everyone knows what's wrong?" Darry asked.
"Yes." We sadly said.
"Okay now, you girls know her the best so we will spilt in to three groups. Nat and Soda, Pony, Grace and Two-Bit and Willow and Steve. Now I will stay at home if she comes here. Everyone take make sure someone has a blade. Please call if you find her now go!"
We all hurried out the door. I grabbed Soda and ran towards the Dingo.

Willow's P.O.V
I would be happy to be alone with Steve but B takes priority. I walked down town with him, we were checking Buck's. I heard the bad country music from miles away. I hate it. Steve pounded on the door.
"What do you want?" Buck asked harshly.
"Have you seen Bailey? She's a blonde."
"Shown her last night. She was looking for a fight so we kicked her out. I don't know where she is now. Is that all?"
I nodded and he slammed the door. Looking for a fight, Oh no.

Grace's P.O.V

I was fighting back the tears, Pony knew that. He squeezed my hand tightly. Two-Bit had his hand in his pocket feeling his blade. We walked downtown heading for Curly's house. When we got there we heard breaking of glass and shouting. Two knocked on the door. Curly Shepard answered.
"What can I do for you folk?"
"Bailey, where's Bailey?" I sputtered out.
"Bailey... she ran off this night. Not to sure where she is now." Curly seemed unsure. "She seemed upset. Sorry I can't help. She is my broad of you see her tell her I would like her back." Curly closed the door. I needed to find her and fast.

Nat's P.O.V

Soda and I had checked the Dingo and every other place downtown, so we headed home. I saw the Gang coming our way.
"Any luck." Soda asked the rest.
"Does it look like it." Two-Bit said surprisingly angry.
"Geez, just asking. Don't need to get pissed."
"Sorry, I'm just on edge."
We walked home. Darry was sitting in the porch. He looked up hopefully, then dropped his head in sadness. we all walked inside in silence.
"Did anyone check the lot or the park?" Pony asked.
We all shook our heads.
"Well, Willow, Nat, Two-Bit and Soda go to the park. Everyone else the lot. Go, Go, Go." Darry ordered.
I ran out the door with everyone else on my trail.
Willow's P.O.V

The cold wind was hitting my face as the sun set. I did not stop running until I reached the park. The monkey bars were old and rusty. This is where Pony was almost killed and Bob died. Bailey was laying against the fountain, a bald in her hand and blood around her. She looked up at us weakly as we approached her slowly.
"H..hi.. gu..ys" she tried to say.
"Bailey, give us the blade." Soda held out his hand.
"This is where I lost Johnny, he never came back to me after this." She started to cry. "What happened to me?" She placed the blade down on the hard dirt.
"Bailey, it's time to come home."
She nodded and Two-Bit wrapped her in a blanket.
He carried her home, not caring that blood was in his Mickey Mouse shirt. Bailey fell asleep on our couch with Two sitting beside her, watching over like her guardian angel.

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