Chapter 8

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Nat's P.O.V

The morning sun was too bright. I woke up with a strong arm around my neck, I almost punched it but I didn't. i forgot where I was. Soda woke up just after me.
" Morning, beautiful!" he said in the hottest morning voice ever. I kissed his lips and his hands found my waist.
"I need to go, I'm sorry. Thanks you for the perfect night." I kissed his nose and got up.

When I got home, the sound of my siblings was everywhere.
"Where the hell have you been?"
My mothers harsh voice rang out. she was never this mad.
"I was with Soda. I fell asleep in the lot I'm sorry."
"Those greasers have bad influences on you."
"We are greasers mom." I laughed.
She simmered down and sat down with me on the couch.
"Mom, I think I'm in love with Soda."
"Ahh, young love. That's what I had with your father. But we were the perfect match, maybe that's why we burned out." she sighed
"Thank you mom!" I hugged her. I headed to my room.
"Always use protection." she half yelled.
"Shut up Cindy!" I yelled back tripping over a toy car in the process.

Willow's P.O.V

I wake up in a daze, I got out slowly then all at once. I looked around and noticed I was still in my clothes from last night, except my shoes. I smiled remembering last night. I climbed out of bed. Peeking my head in to Soda and Pony's room to only find Pony. All alone. I opened the door and crawled in. I stayed on top of the covers and Pony almost woke up.
"What you doing Willow Branch?" Pony asked very sleepily.
"I got cold." his arm was around my neck. "How was Grace last night?"
"Real nice." He sighed sleepily.
I feel alseep again until Soda came running in swishing the both of us.
"What are you punks doing in my bed?"
"Man, I'm sleeping!" Pony yelled.
"Why does it matter to you, you were sleeping with that girl of yours!" He added
"I ought to pound your head in!" Soda yelled.
"Calm down there, Pepsi-Cola" I piped in.
When Darry walked in, we were all in a tangle of head locks and hugs.
"Hey, Soda you got work today."
Soda left to go take a shower.

Grace's P.O.V
I'm mad at myself. I left with out any warning at 5 am this morning. it's not that I don't love Ponyboy but I used to be that town broad. Dirt of the town. I don't want Ponyboy to be pulled in to it all. I sighed looking down at my dirty skirt cut a little to high, my blouse was buttoned all the way up. I saw Two-Bit walking over slowly,nheading to the Curtis house I guessed.
"Now what's a fine girl like you walking doing walking alone at 7 in the morning?" He asked with one eye brow cocked up. I laughed. Two-Bit was the brother I never had.
"Ha wouldn't you like to know." I tried to make a sneaky escape but his arm caught me.
"I think of you as my little sister, I want to know where you were last night. Your mom called mine asking." His voice was cocky but firm.
"I was at Ponyboy's house."
He laughed.
"Damn, Pone gets more than me." he muttered to loudly. I punched him in the gut.
"We are 15 and 16. We ain't going wild."
"Sure." He reached for his stuffed pockets. Pulling out a beer can, there were obviously more in his pockets. He motioned to his pocket.
"Want one?"
"Classy, Beer for breakfast. Real nice." I declined his offer.
"Now, since you been with Pony, You have stopped partying and going to rodeos."
"I tamed myself." I sighed. I had been a wild girl. The parties, drinking, rodeos and the many boys. Dally was my mentor, kind of. I was know as now I'm settling. Was it Dallas' death that stopped me?
"You know Pony is still like naive or some shit like that?"
"Yeah." I looked at the ground as we sat on the grass.
"Be safe."
"Since when do you care? You're one to talk!" I questioned Two Bit.
"Sorry for being nice." he wrapped me in a headlock, somehow turned it in to a hug.
"Whatever I'm going to change, see you later Two Bit."
" Bye, Dollface." he hollered like the cocky asshole he was. I love him like a brother all the same.

Bailey's P.O.V

The room smelled like smoke and the air was filled with booze. The Shepard Gang was spread out around the room, drunk or partying. Curly was beside me, arm wrestling another gang member. When he won, I placed a kiss on his cheek. My beer can was empty so I went to refill, Curly attempted to grab my ass as I left, he missed. I grabbed two beers from the fridge. Just as my hand left the fridge it was closed. There stood Tim Shepard, his hair not combed back. No shirt might I add. He was grinning.
"Thanks for the booze, broad." He grabbed the beer out of my hand. I cringed.
"How's about you come with me tonight?" He went to grab my arm. "Curly wouldn't mind."
I pulled back
"How's about you leave?" I went to walk away, but Tim grabbed my arm.
"Don't get smart with me, shank"
"You don't scare me." I pulled away leaving him alone. Dumbass.
"Hey, baby." Curly cooed at my reappearance.
"Hi, Curls." he totally hated that nickname. Tim shadowed the door. I sat on Curly's lap while looking at him, dead in the eye.
"Babe, where is my beer?" He asked. "Bring me one,sweetie?"
I sighed quietly and got up, as I walked past Tim his switchblade cut up my pants. Great. I want so badly to slug him but the blade was in my back.
"Let's reconsider that offer?" I pushed him away. "Nice shank girl there, Curly." I pushed the thugs out of the way and left the gross house. I ran and didn't stop until I reached the grave yard. The tombstone was spotlighted perfectly by the moonlight, all I could do I sit down on it and cry. Johnny, why Johnny?

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