Chapter 16

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Nat's P.O.V

Why? When my life was perfect, everything came crashing down. I'm alone again because the boy I love has to leave me for the girl who broke his heart. I fixed his heart, me. I lay in my room in my sweats and a t shirt. I don't have the will to move. Soda is gone.

Willow's P.O.V

Sandy was sitting at our kitchen table, eating our food. How dare she. Soda is a pale green and he could barely eat. Nat was his girl not Sandy.

Ponyboy came bonding in.
"Who's ready??" He yelled. He was in his track uniform.
"Oh crap, you have that big track meet." Darry said.
"It's regionals, Darry, regionals. Gosh."
We all cleared the table.
"Sandy, you want to come?" Soda asked.
The Gang came in soon after and Ponyboy was all ready. The family plus Sandy piled in Darry's truck while everyone else was in Two-Bits crap car or Nat's. We drive to the track and found a place to park. It was super busy. Let's say we were the only greasers here. All the Soc parents looked horrified. But we all sat down together. It was awkward with Sandy here.
"Steve, you and Evie still together?" She asked.
He smirked. "No."
I smiled.
"Hey, Sandy." Two-Bit asked. "Where's the kid anyways?"
"He at my parents house for now." She giggled. We all rolled out eyes.
"Ponyboy, when's your race?"
"2:00!" It was 1:45 now. "I better go warmup. Other races at started.

Grace's P.O.V

It was 2:57. Ponyboy was almost running. He was against all Socs from our school and others. He's shoes weren't as nice. His hair was tougher. But I believed in him. The time was 2:30 and the runners lined up for the 200 meter race. I recognized one of the other boys. A Socs younger brother. He was glaring at Pony.
"On your marks, get set, GO!" The announcer yelled. Pony was running for his life but he was in second.
"Come one Ponyboy!"
"Let's go Pony!" The Gang yelled.
I had never seen his legs move so fast. They were so close. Him and the Soc. Ponyboy tilted his head forward and crossed the line before. HE WON.
I ran out on to the track. His arms were open and I hung like a koala on him.
"I knew you would win."
"The winner of the 200 meter is Ponyboy Curtis!" The announcer said.  The whole gang ran down to congratulate Pony.

Nat's P.O.V
I know it's bad but I could not stop staring at Sandy. She ruined my life.
When we were loading in to the cars to leave for lunch, a big guy approached Soda and Sandy.
"Hey, Sandy. What do you think you're doing?"
"Um, hey Daniel." She was nervous. I think he went to our school last year.
"You told me you left to go visit our child!"
We all were silent and staring.
"What, Sandy you said it was my kid." Soda was stunned.
"Who's this joke?"
Sandy stepped in between the two. "Um, Soda. When we were together, we were in love. Then I had to leave. It broke my heart. I had come back an been with Daniel for a bit to get over you. Then I got pregnant."
"So it's not my child?" Soda asked.
"No but I wanted it to be."
"Oh okay." Soda jumped in to the passenger seat of my car. "Bye Sandy. Your stuff like be on the curb when you cone to pick it up."
I stepped on the gas and we went home to rest before the medal ceremony. My life is back to normal now.

B's P.O.V
After the medal ceremony that night, We all went to the Dingo to eat. A blue mustang pulled up beside us and five Socs jumped out. Two bits leaned to my ear.
"Go inside with all the girls and Pony."
"Fine." I rolled my eyes. I could take them.
We sat down by the window and pretend to eat, we were all listening.
Darry stood the tallest. The potter behind him.
The Soc spoke first. "Your brother, he bet mine. I don't like being shown up by a Greaser."
It was about the track meet.
"Well too bad."
"Let's settle this now, old fashioned Rumble, no weapons tomorrow same place as last time."
"Fine, bring all your men. You'll need it."
We all sat back down and ate. Ponyboy broke the silence.
"Why do I always start rumbles?"
"Cause you're one kid brother, we have to worry about." Darry piped in.
We all laughed and Ponyboy pouted.

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