Chapter 14

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Bailey's P.O.V
I woke up on Two's floor. I had made a small bed last night after my run in with Curly. I was wearing one of Two-Bit's Mickey Mouse shirts. I stood up in his messy room and moved over to his bed I slipped under his covers and cuddled up. He turned over and wrapped his arm over my neck.
He was still asleep so I dozed off soon after.

Willow's P.O.V
Awkward. That's how me and Pony acted. He was trusting but he could spill secrets because now he doesn't have Johnny to control him. He was jumpy but staring a stew with a cold glare.
"Pony can I talk to you alone?"
He and I walked to the hall.
"Calm down would you?"
"Sorry but u don't like him and I want to protect my baby sister."
"I'm not a baby. Get that in your head."
He was stunned.
"Jeez, calm down. I'm sorry I guess."
He awkwardly rocked back and forth.
"Sorry." He wrapped me up. I walked back to the breakfast table with the gang.
"Steve, what happened to Evie?" Soda asked.
"Umm... She's a bitch."
"How's your love life?"
"Uhh." He stopped and looked nervous which he was never.
"Steve? You're blushing!"
"Steve gone soft!" Pony yelled. Steve grabbed him in a headlock. Then flexed off his muscles.
"Not a chance." His cocky attitude was back.
"Then who's the girl?"
"No one."
"Sure!" Sodapop smirked and cleared his plate.  Steve glanced up at me, he let out a sigh and got some more cake.
"Where's Bailey and Two?" I asked looking around.
"I think they are still sleeping at Two-Bit's." Soda replied with a wink and a nudge.

Bailey's P.O.V
Two was attempting to make pancakes. He had batter in his hair and was burning the ones that made it to the pan. I was laughing so much. He just grinned. Finally enough were made and we sat down, Two-Bit drowning his in maple syrup. We eat and he had to clean himself up so he showered and we walked over to the Curtis house.

Nat P.O.V
I sat on the couch with the gang and cuddling with Soda. Two-Bit and Bailey walked in all giggly.
"Where have you two been?" Steve smirked.
"None off your business." Two walked in to the kitchen returning with cake.
We all laughed and talked for a while as we passed around the cake. I wondered about Sodapop's old girlfriend Sandy because she had left but e was mine now so that was that.

Willow's P.O.V

I began to clear the plates from the morning snack of cake. No matter how fill the Gang is they always have room for cake. I carried most of the plates in and began to wash them. Steve quietly came in dyer with his plate and placed it in the sink. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. I turned around in his arms and grabbed his face. I kissed him forgetting where I was.
"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!" Soda was standing in the door way. My stomach twisted in to knits like never before. Oh shit. Steve's hands pulled away from me so fast and I released my hands from their grip.
"hi" I quietly spoke to Soda.
Soda stormed over to Steve and pinged him square in the nose.
"What's your problem, Soda?!" Steve winched.
"You. Making out with my sister!"
"It's a free country."
They charged at each other and before all hell broke lose I stepped in between them.
"Calm down Soda and Steve. I'm a person who can damn we'll make her own choices in life and I don't need to be fought over."
Darry walked in to see what was happening. 
"What's happening in here?"
Soda grumbled "Willow over here was making out with Steve."
"Everyone needs to calm down. I'm aloud to date whoever I want." I butted in "At least it's not some Soc or Hood. Darry I love ya but please I don't need protecting so just let me be. Ponyboy knew and didn't explode."
Darry turned around
"Pony, you knew about this?!?"
Ponyboy quickly entered "umm.. Ya."
"Why did you not tell me?" Soda chimed in.
"Because Willow Branch asked me not too and I trust she knows what to do."
Soda sighed "okay well, I guess it's fine. I just need to talk to Steve alone Willow."
I just now realized how tightly I was holding Steve's hand. I let go and walked in to the kitchen. Everyone was staring at me.
"Hey guys." I Said slowly.
"Oh yeah, um hi." Nat spoke up.
"I KNOW IT!" Bailey jumped up.
Grace was just smiling cheekily.
The back door slammed and I heard Darry say
"If you hurt her I hurt you, Don't mess this up!"
"Darry, can I talk to Steve alone?" Soda asked.
"Sure bud."
Grace stood up. "I should go, my dad always gets mad if I'm late for dinner."
"I'll walk you home." Pony offered.
She and Pony walked outside.
Darry walked in.
"It's all good kid sister." He smiled awkwardly, he then looked at the time.
"I um, I have to go for a bit are you okay for dinner?"
"Yeah I can whip up something. What's up?"
"Oh, nothing!" He changed out of his work clothes and quickly drive off.
Soda and Steve were still talking
"Why did you have to go for my kid sister?"
"I don't know soda, we have been friends for a while and we sorta clicked."
"If you mess this up. I don't know just don't. I really don't want you too because it's my sister you'll be hurting  not some broad."
"I wouldn't this time."
I let out a sigh of relief. This could be okay in the end

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