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A/n, F.O.B. is L.I.F.E 

Song is Jet Pack Blues from their album AB/AP.

Oh Great, my favorite time of the year. Halloween. (Insert sarcasm everywhere).

Honestly, I didn't care. I used to when I was little, use to always want to go trick-or-treating. But living with Penelope had it's downsides, she never wanted to go, and my parents didn't want me to be with just friends. So we'd stay up, watching movies in the dark.
Of course not for thrill, we just didn't want to open the door for the trick-or-treating kids.

It was Wednesday, me and Chaz have been dating for a week now. It felt good, dating him and all, but my mind kept thinking of how I would have to end it sooner or later, I couldn't get too attached to him.

But you already have gotten attached to him.

My thoughts whispered in my head, echoing off the hard skull surface. Although my heart got a feeling my thoughts weren't talking about Chaz.

No it couldn't be. Every time I'm around him, I feel like I know him, like I'm supposed to know him. I've told him more than everyone else, even if it wasn't much, wasn't really anything.

We're okay now, back to normal, but things feel different. He's grown less protective, kinda just like someone who pops in now and then. I never wanted to admit it but I missed it, now I feel more alone without-

How can I say these things? I'm here, sitting with Chaz, but...

We were all sitting together. The Groups, and the Jocks. Called them what you wanted I personally called them fakes. But me hanging out with them wouldn't make me any less than they are, right?

My thoughts were interrupted when a familiar face walked up to us.

"Good afternoon, boys and girls," Detective Arias' monotone voice quieted the table. When no one are the move to answer, she went on.

"I just needed to speak with some of you about the dissapearence of your friend, what was her name- ah yes, Coraline Price. It will only take a moment."

Silence, no one bothered to speak to her. They weren't scared, they just didn't want to. I, on the other hand, was freaking out on the inside, going with the flow on the out.

"Miss Blanchard, "
Detective Arias addressed, catching me and everyone off guard.
What was she doing?


"How have you been?"

No. No no no no no no and if I haven't stressed it out- NO!
What on earth was she doing? If she knew what would happen she'd shut her mouth. What to do, what to do?

"I'm fine thank you. I haven't been running lately so I guess you should be grateful I'm not all icky and sweaty, this time."

She paused. "Oh, that's alright. Well anyways I just thought it'd be best if I spoke to the following people, the ones at the party the night she went, missing. "
The ways she said missing sent chills down my spine.

Please don't call me, pleeaasee.

"Marjorie Stetson
Jessica Pratt
Hannah Whitfield
Chaz Morello
Christian Summers
Braxton Brady
And Ryan Buchanan."

So basically almost everyone.
"Jessica isn't here, " Jax told Arias, to which she just nodded with approval and left with the others. It was me, Jax, and Bree, as well as some others that I didn't really care to know.

"Why hadn't they called us?" I questioned once I was out of Arias' earshot.

"Because we weren't at the party remember?"
"Yes I know that, but Marjorie was called too. She was with us when-"

"She was there before we were. Someone must've seen her I guess.
Look, don't worry about it, be grateful that they didn't call you, you don't have yo worry about it."

I slouched back in my chair with relief.

"Pretty People don't slouch Savannah." Bree finally said something

Great, just when I forgot about her existence.

"I guess I'm not pretty then huh Bree."

"I know someone who'd disagree, " she argued. Looking straight at Jax.

My dream was different tonight. I was in a pitched black room, couldn't see anything, had no sense of touch.
After about 2 dream hours of nothingness, I hear a voice, and try to collect the message as it bounces across the walls.

Savannah. What are you doing?

I tried to answer, but couldn't speak. Tried to think it, but I couldn't think either.

You were supposed to be there for one reason, now you're all over the place

The voice replied more stern, it's last word's echo right on it's tails....

For me, this was supposed to be for me. No one else. Why, why did you abandon me Savannah? Why did you leave me all alone?


You will not abandon me. You will do what you were destined to do. I shall see that through.

For my sake.

My thoughts... Swirling... my head....

It is your destiny.

The lights came on. I fell to the floor, not wanting to see her face, not Penelope's face. She's right, I am a failure, I abandoned her, why would I do such a thing?

I felt a hand gently stroke my face. A familiar hand, wayy to familiar...

It was me. She was me. She...was me?


A/n  I'm sorry for the hour delay but I needed a cure for my writers block. Thanks to my wonderful fan standbyitoutsider for that amazing shout out, I dedicate this chapter mostly to you for inspiring me to keep writing this one. You are an amazing person with coolio stories.


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