Immortals Book 1 Final Half

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PK saw that N was wounded. As they sat by the fire, the waters opened and GT came out weak and bleeding all over his face and other parts of his body

PK: What the hell happened to you? You're all bloody.

PC: How did you survive? Where's EK?

GT: I-I fell into the water with a stinky anchor on my chest but survived because the water led me to a four way path like an x junction. As for EK, he-he did not make it. But I shot the person who was behind all this.

PC: Where did you shoot him?

GT: on his right hand. On her bicep

PK: his. not her.

PC: Master N was also wounded on the same part.

PK: So does that mean he sets us up. All these things he makes us do in order to kill us and he scolds us but he's the one behind all this. We have to finish him off. For EK

PC: For EK

They looked at GT waiting for him.

GT: Why are y'all looking at me? Don't expect me to say that

PC: GT! Are you been for real right now of all times

GT: I'm not saying that crap

PK: GT! If you don't, you'll regret it

GT: FINE! For Egh

PK: What was that?

GT: I said for Eghh

PC: GT be serious

GT: Fine! For EGH- For that guy. Isn't that better?

That same night, PC hit the security alarm button so that the guards would go and check what was going on. There was a secret elevator DN liked taking which was always guarded. DN said to he guard

DN1st: Make sure no one sees this pin. Its really hard. It is, 01. Now follow me.

GT saw the pin. PK and PC were dealing with the guards. They arrived and said

PC: What is the pin?

GT: Its quite simple actually. Its zero and one

PK: are you kidding me GT? This ain't time for games

GT: ah. I swear that's the pin go ahead and try it.

They entered the pin and saw that it was correct. They hid behind fragile items. PC and PK saw ET and were shocked that she was alive

PC & PK: So she's alive?

GT: Who is he?

PC: She GT not he. She's master N's daughter. He said she died. So he's been lying to us all along, probably the others might also be alive. But where?

PK: I'm so pissed right now.

PK threw a box and fired her gun. N and his men attacked the three. But they climbed up the stairs. GT and PC started shooting them. PK found a way out. The way out was a slide that led to some place. GT told PK and PC to go ahead but PC got shot by N twice on her back and once on her leg. GT then shot N's knee, carried PC and went through the exit. They found themselves on the x junction exactly where GT landed after being hit with the anchor.

PC: You guys go ahead. I'll be okay.

GT: NO! What if they come and attack you? I will not leave you. PK what are you still doing here. Get out. I'll remain with her.

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