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"What's Latte Bark?"

"Let's just go and you'll see." Felix said. "I think you'll have fun."

Inside the shop was a young woman sitting at a desk. Her head shot up to when the bell on the door was rung from it being opened. "Oh, welcome! How are you two doing today?" She greeted them.

"Good...what about you?" Felix said, walking closer to the desk.

"I'm good as well, thanks...how can I help you guys?" She asked.

"There should be a reservation for us...should be under Felix."

She nodded and focused her attention on the computer that was on the desk. "Ah, Felix? For two hours, right?"

"Yeah, that's it."

Changbin looked around the room while Felix was talking to the woman. Based on the animal themed decorations,photos on the wall of animals up for adoption, and faint barking coming from another room; the shop was some kind of animal shelter.

She soon stood up from the desk. "Okay, your room is just down the hall." She gestured for them to follow her as she walked to the hallway.

Felix gently grabbed Changbin's arm again and they followed her. The hallway had four doors, each with their own sign. She stopped at the door labelled "dogs," and opened the door. As it was opened the barking he had previously picked up on grew louder. She guided them inside and closed the door behind them.

Changbin looked to his left where he would see a couple dog kennels along one wall, the source of the barking.

"Okay..." she raised her voice to speak above the dogs ,"so general rules are posted on the wall. They're the same as what you read when you signed up, so you should already be familiar." She gestured to a posted on the wall as she spoke.

"The dogs are all friendly. There's information about each of them on their kennels. Feel free to let out any, or all, of them to spend time with..."

Changbin looked over at Felix, still slightly confused. "Are you trying to adopt a dog? I don't think that would go over well..."

Felix laughed. "No, we're just here to visit."

The woman continued to speak again. "Do you two have any questions?"

Felix shook his head. "Nope, we're good."

"All right. If you need anything I'll be at the front desk. I'll leave you to it then."

They both thanked her as she left.

The dogs were no longer barking frantically, so they approached the kennels. Felix was visibly excited, his eyes lit up as they walked closer to get a better view of the dogs.

"We've been so stressed lately, and I know pets are supposed to help." Felix said, crouching down in front of a kennel. There was a small Pomeranian behind the chain-link, prancing and wagging her tail, waiting to be let out.

Changbin admired the sight. Both of them were adorable, but he mostly had his eyes set on Felix. "Yeah, they are very cute." He replied, approaching a different kennel that contained a larger mixed breed. The tag on the door read 'Oreo.' A cliche name, but the dog was cute regardless.

WithdrawlㅣChanglixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang