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Changbin woke up to the sound 'Pop' by Nayeon.

It was Felix's alarm.

He stretched his arms before rolling over to see if Felix was going to turn it off.

He wasn't there.

He didn't think much about it at first. He was probably in the bathroom or chatting with another member in the kitchen, so he reached over to turn it off himself.

Changbin reached for his own phone, checking his notifications after his eyes adjusted to the brightness of the screen. His theory from before was soon proven false as he read the text message that was shown.

4:53 a.m
From: Yongbok 🐥
hope you slept well

had to leave but everyone else should be home

"Fuck.." He groaned. Changbin couldn't help but feel like Felix was just avoiding him again.

Maybe he didn't actually have a good time the night before and just didn't want to see him.

Maybe he left his phone at home on purpose so he couldn't contact him.

He tried to relive the night, going through the conversations that he remembered to see if he had said anything that might have made the other upset.

His thoughts continued to spiral, the tightness in his chest growing worse along with his thoughts.

It wasn't long before he felt a lump in his throat and the familiar feeling of tears begging to fall from his eyes, but he had to remind himself that he wasn't even in his own room.

"For fucks sake..stop being so dramatic. There's nothing to worry about." He mumbled to himself before taking a deep breath.

He took a few minutes to make sure that he'd be calm enough to leave without making a scene. He got up from Felix's bed and out the door into the hallway.

He assumed that everyone else was asleep because he hadn't seen them or heard any noises, so he didn't bother to open their doors to say anything as he walked past them.

The shoes that he had worn the night before were still in the same place he had put them. He slipped them on and went out the door, trying his best to stay quiet.

His plan was to go directly to the gym. Based on Changbin's physical shape, it wasn't very hard to tell that he worked out a lot.

Working out often served as a form of therapy for Changbin. It gave him something to focus on instead of the other things that were troubling him. He hoped that it would provide that to him again in his current situation.

He just needed to stop thinking about the guy that was supposed to be his best friend.


Felix had left early that morning to go to the company studio. He told himself that he needed to practice some dances that he had struggled with, but he would be lying if he said it wasn't just an excuse to avoid talking to Changbin.

Confessing to Changbin.

All of the confidence that he had mustered the night before had disappeared by morning. He had woken up in a panic and bailed on the whole thing, rushing out of bed and out the door.


"Fucking idiot.." He cursed at himself, burring his face in his hands.

He was growing increasingly frustrated as he continued to struggle with his dancing. No matter how long he tried it just didn't look right.

"Can't fucking do anything apparently.." He continued to mumble to himself.

He had only been at the studio for a little bit over an hour, but he decided to stop. He realised that he wasn't going to make any progress with his brain clouded with frustration.

Felix grabbed one of the exercise mats that was available in the room. He knew that he still needed to stretch to cool down his muscles so he didn't injure himself.

He rolled the green mat out and turned to look at the door when he heard it creak open.

Minho stood there.

"Hey...can I join you for a bit?" The eldest spoke.

"Oh, hi hyung," Felix put on a smile for him. "Sure, I was just going to stretch and then go."

Minho nodded, "I won't bother you for long...I just wanted to talk to you about something." He grabbed a mat for himself.

Felix could tell from the other's nervous mannerisms that something was bothering him. It wasn't often that Minho confided in Felix, so it surprised him a bit.

"Yeah, what's up? Did I do something wrong?" Felix asked.

Minho shook his head, waving his hands in front of him. "No no no, you're fine. It's about something else.." He paused, leaning down to roll his mat out. "..someone else."

The two stayed in silence for a while, Felix waiting for Minho to build up the courage to say what was on his mind. He knew that feeling all too well, so he wasn't going to try to pry it out of him.

Felix stretched, and Minho followed his actions.

The two were sitting knelt on their mats with their chest to their knees and arms stretched out in front of them when Minho finally broke the silence.

"I kissed Jisung."

Felix quickly shot up, abandoned stretching to look at Minho. "You did what?!"

Minho sighed after he sat back up on his knees, still avoiding Felix's gaze. "I kissed Jisung."


Minho was quick to interrupt. "It just happened yesterday, and I don't know why. It just happened. I did it, and he kissed me back...but now he's acting like it didn't even happen, and I don't know if I should just forget about it or comfort him about it, and.."

"Okay, okay...you're gonna have to slow down. This is a lot." Felix leaned over to place his hand on the other's shoulder for reassurance.

Minho took a deep breathe. "Sorry...I'm just freaking the fuck out."

Felix nodded. "I know, and he probably is too. That's a lot to take in." 

Minho stayed silent again, so he continued. "Believe me, I know it's confusing, but you guys will need to talk about it eventually. Avoiding it will just create problems in your friendship...relationship...whatever you two have going on."

Minho finally looked Felix in the face. "Yeah, I know...I just don't know how to bring it up."

"Well, you need to figure it out. I don't want to see you two push each other away because of this."

He didn't want to see them push each other away like he kept pushing Changbin away.

"Avoiding it will just make it worse.."

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