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"...We should talk first..."

Felix's heart dropped when Changbin spoke. He had wanted to avoid the topic of them sleeping together, but the tone in the other's voice made it clear that he was serious.

"Talk about what?" He asked. He was just playing dumb.

Changbin sighed. "Just- last night...are you okay?"

Felix's face scrunched up in confusion. "Yeah...Are you not okay with it...?"

The shorter male shook his head. "No, that's not what I'm saying...I'm just- it was kind of a heat of the moment thing, and I want to make sure it's not bothering you."

"I don't regret it, if that's what you're trying to get at.." Felix replied, crossing his arms.

Changbin nodded. "Good..."

"..I just don't want it to make things even more awkward than it was before...when I told you, you know.." Felix paused, but continued when Changbin didn't say anything. "What does this make us then?"

Changbin wasn't sure what they were. Felix liked him and he liked Felix, or at least he thought that he did. But their situation was complicated.

"I don't know Felix..." He mumbled.

Felix felt a tightness in his chest again. That hurt. "So, are we just forgetting about it? Are you sure you don't regret it then?" He asked, visibly irritated.

"No, it's not like that!" Changbin said. He didn't regret it. He enjoyed it, and he couldn't complain if it happened again. "It's just...we can't really date, so I don't know what we are. It's not that I don't want to...we just can't."

Felix knew that Changbin had a point. There were so many things that could go wrong, but it still hurt, and he still wanted it.

"So if we were idols you would date me?" He asked.

Changbin stayed silent, but nodded.

"Then why not try?" Felix asked.

Changbin sighed again. "...how would the members react? The company? The fans? It's a lot to risk, Felix."

"We don't have to tell them right now." Felix shook his head and began to inch closer to Changbin. "Look, I'm not going to beg you to be with me.." He stopped once his face was dangerously close to the other. "...but what do you really want?"

Changbin swallowed hard. He could hear his own heartbeat and he could feel Felix's breath on his nose. It was an overwhelming sensation. They both knew what the answer to that question was at that point.

Felix was still, his brown eyes locked onto Changbin's as he waited for a response. Before he knew it Changbin was crashing their lips together for a second time. It was forceful, a result of the built up tension that had collected throughout the day.

Felix didn't hesitate to reciprocate, and placed his hands on the shorter's waist to pull their bodies together.

Changbin took a step back to lean against the counter and Felix followed, never disconnecting their lips. He reached down to put his hand under Felix's shirt, slowly moving it up his torso.

Before it could escalate any further, they were forced apart by the sound of the front door opening. They jumped to seperate sides of the kitchen, trying to act normal despite the obvious redness in their ears and cheeks.

Felix never got an answer to his question, but the kiss seemed clear enough.

When Changbin's parents turned the corner into the kitchen, Changbin was the one to greet them. "Oh hey! You guys are back already?" He tried his best to not be awkward.

His mother placed her bag on the countertop, while his father situated himself on the couch. "Would you two mind getting the rest of the beach stuff from the car?" She asked.

Changbin looked over to Felix and they both nodded. "Yeah, of course."

The two hurried out of the kitchen and out of the front door, hoping that neither parent had seen anything.

Felix followed as Changbin walked around the car and opened the trunk. Each reached in to grab a bag that contained the beach towels, sun lotions, extra clothes, and food.

"We don't have to put a label on anything yet." Felix said while they walked back for the door with bags in hand.

"You can leave them there, I'll put them in the wash before we got to bed." Changbin's mom said, gesturing for them to put the bags on the floor.

"I had fun today, thanks again for bringing me along for this trip." Felix said, giving smiles to the other's parents.

"Of course. Like I said, you're always welcome." She said and walked to Felix to rub his arm as a friendly gesture.

Felix soon spoke again. "I think I'm going to shower and get ready for bed now."

He received a 'good night' from everyone else and made his way out of the room. He stopped once he got to Changbin and leaned over to whisper in his ear. "Feel free to join me if you'd like." He said, a smirk plastered on his face.


Changbin's face grew red again. "I- uh...I should probably head to bed too then." He said, scurrying after Felix like a puppy.

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