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Two months passed after the vacation the boy group had. They had gone back to their busy schedule of practicing, producing, filming content for fans, appearing on shows and interviews, etc.

Felix and Changbin had yet to officially declare themselves as boyfriends, but they had finally opened up to one other and acted like such, to the extent that they could. They still hadn't told all of the members, let alone the company or fans, so they had to be careful of how and when they expressed their feelings for each other. Everyone was already used to a lot of skin-ship between all of them, so that wasn't an issue, but they wouldn't go further than how they acted beforehand. It was frustrating at times, but they believed it was best for them in the long run.

Minho was the only exception to this. Minho and Jisung had decided to start officially dating. Minho told Felix, and Felix told Changbin, so they thought it was only fair that they be transparent with him as well.

It was difficult to keep their relationships a secret, especially when they lived with the people they kept it from. Finding times for themselves was rare. They usually relied on hotels and private dates when they could fit it into their schedules, which wasn't very often. Otherwise they had to hide and stay quite in their bedrooms, or even closets and practice room if needed.

It had been two weeks since Changbin and Felix had gone out with just the two of them. Felix had been looking around for something new for them to do. He found a new place that opened about an hour away, and he thought it would be a good place for a surprise date.

When an opening finally emerged in their schedules, he got a reservation. He told Changbin that he had a date planned, but he wouldn't reveal the details of the date. Changbin pouted at first, but he knew the surprise would likely add to the fun once it was revealed.


"Ready to go yet?" Felix asked, watching as Changbin walked into the living room from the hall. He'd been waiting for him to finish getting dressed for a while.

Felix had come to Changbin's dorm after he finished an interview for another magazine. Both of their schedules were clear for the rest of the day, so they would be leaving for their date. He thought Changbin would be ready by the time he got there, but he had apparently lost track of time.

"Yeah, I'm all good, sorry." Changbin said, checking to make sure that the collar of his black jacket was sitting correctly. "Let's go now."

The two gave each other a smile as Felix stood up. They walked out of the living room and towards the front door to leave.

"We're going to go out for some food, I'll be back tonight." Changbin said to Chan as they walked past the kitchen, where he was making some food of his own. He wasn't sure if that was what they'd actually be doing, but Chan didn't need to know that they were leaving for a date.

Chan crossed his arms. "You weren't going to ask if I want to go?"

"Uh.." Changbin wasn't sure how to respond, and looked towards Felix for support.

However, Chan spoke before either of them could say anything. "I'm just joking," he chuckled. "Have fun."

They waved goodbye and continued walking out the door. They took the elevator to the bottom floor, and outside they already had an Uber waiting. Felix had directed the driver to take them to the subway station. After the driver dropped them off, they would board a train for a thirty minute ride.

"How far are we going?" Changbin asked while they sat in the uncomfortable train seats.

"You'll see." Felix replied, enjoying seeing the bits of frustration on Changbin's face when he didn't get a proper answer.

It wasn't long before the train came to a stop. Felix stood up and grabbed Changbin's arm and lead him out the doors and into the station.

"It's not far from here, let's go." Felix said, excitement pooling in his chest.

"Hurry up then," Changbin replied. He had a stern tone in his voice, but that contradicted with the smile under his black face mask.

Felix let out a quiet chuckle and continued to the stairs that would take them out of the subway station, still dragging Changbin along by his arm. The pair walked another ten minutes before Felix stopped. "Okay, we're here!"

Changbin looked around at their surroundings. The street was busy. He could see many stores, a couple restaurants, and even an arcade, but he still wasn't sure what the date was supposed to be. "Are we shopping?" He asked, "You going to pay?"

Felix shook his head. "Not what I had planned...but if you want to shop for a while after, I'm up for it."

"Then what did you have planned?"

Felix finally let go of Changbin's arm and pointed to one of the shop signs ahead of them. "There...I got us a reservation there."

Changbin cocked his head. "...McDonald's?"

The younger man laughed. "No, you dummy...Latte Bark."

Changbin laughed along, "I know, I was just messing with you." He paused, "What's Latte Bark?"

"Let's just go and you'll see." Felix said. "I think you'll have fun."

He hurried towards the shop doors after he spoke, Changbin not far behind him.


I'll be wrapping up this story soon. There will be two more chapters after this one, and it will likely end there. With the possibility of extra chapters later on. I haven't checked for mistakes much, so I apologise if there's a lot.

There is another story that I've been working on. Not as much recently because I've been busy, but it's in the works. I'll likely start publishing it when this one is finished.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

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