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Time Skip

It had been about two weeks since the incident with Felix at the dorm.

He had never told Chan what was going on, only fallen asleep beside the eldest while he tried to provide him with some comfort. And neither had brought up the incident after that.

Changbin had decided to push his feelings aside for the time being. He feared that if he continued to dive deeper into his feelings, or finally confront Felix, the events that would unfold would interfere with their new comeback. Interfere with their careers as a whole.

Cramming performances, interviews, live streams, and other promotions into their already busy schedules made it easier for Changbin to distract himself from his personal problems.


Changbin had been successful in pushing his thoughts aside, until he was placed beside Felix for their newest interview.

Changbin noticed a switch in Felix's behaviour when the cameras were on.

He would be talkative and expressing skin-ship with Changbin. Massaging his arms, complimenting him, and flashing his "charming" eyes and smile.

These actions made Changbin's heart flutter, and he smiled back, letting it happen like everything was normal.

However, his feelings about the situation were mixed. On one hand, he was excited that Felix was giving him some of the attention that he craved. While on the other, he was questioning if Felix was being genuine, or just putting on a show for the camera.


"Changbin hyung?"

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Seungmin called his name and placed his hand on his shoulder.

He shook his head a bit to refocus himself. "Yeah? Sorry.."

"Are there any songs that you've been enjoying a lot lately?" Bangchan said, repeating that question that Changbin had not heard from the host.

It was a boring question, one that they got asked a lot. But Changbin thought for a second before responding, listing off a few songs. Felix had placed his hand on Changbin's knee while he spoke, which made his breath hitch, which he hoped had gone unnoticed.

'Why is he doing this to me now?'


After the interview finished the eight boys were free to go home. And as they were walking out of the company building, Jeongin suggested going out for dinner as a group.

All had agreed to that idea, except Jisung, expressing that he wanted to just walk back home.

"Then I'll go back with you." Minho said, placing his hand on Jisung's back.

Chan nodded at the two with a smile, "all right, you two have fun then."

"Yeah, whatever you say," Minho said while the two groups split up.

"Are you sure you don't want to get a ride home?" The eldest asked.

Their dorms weren't far, but still quite a walk considering how tiring their schedule had been lately.

Jisung chuckled, reaching out to grab the other's hand. "Yeah, I'm sure."

It wasn't uncommon for the two to hold hands, but Minho still got flustered as he intertwined their fingers. "..okay."


This time Changbin was sat between Hyunjin and Chan at the table of the restaurant.

He was going to try to sit beside Felix again, but the younger boy had made sure to pull Seungmin to his side before Changbin could get there.

They had ordered a lot of food, hungry after their long day, so they knew that it would probably be a while before it was ready. They kept light conversations as they waited.

Hyunjin tease Jeongin about the small choreography mistake he had made on stage earlier that day, and Changbin couldn't help but admire Felix's smile as he laughed along.


"Pfft, looks like you've got yourself a boyfriend." Chan said and he teasingly nudged Changbin's shoulder.

Changbin quickly turned to look at him, confused. "..what?"

He looked down at the phone that Chan held out towards him, getting a grasp at what he meant when he saw what was displayed on it.

It was a tiktok video in which recent clips of Changbin and Felix were used to ship the two together.

Chan was quite active on apps like tiktok and Twitter, so he often saw videos like that and would laugh at them and tease the members about it.

Changbin sighed, rolling his eyes and pushing the phone back to Chan.

"You don't need to worry about that..he doesn't pay much attention to me anymore."

He played it off as a joke.

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