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"Hurry the fuck up!" Hyunjin yelled, banging on the bathroom door with his fist.

Changbin had finally gotten in the shower, and apparently he had taken too long for Hyunjin's liking.

"Give me a minute...unless you want to shower with me!" He yelled back.

The inappropriate comment seemed to make help his situation because the banging soon stopped.

He took a few more minutes to finish washing himself, turning the water off once he was done. He stepped out of the shower and dried himself off with his towel. Knowing that Hyunjin was waiting, he decided to just wrap the towel around his waist and go back to his room to finish getting ready.

He ran the towel over his body again to dry himself even more, having had missed some when rushing before.  He then stepped into his pants and slipped his grey hoodie over his head.

He looked in the mirror to assess the situation with his hair. It wasn't perfect, but he didn't really care enough to take another ten to fifteen minutes styling his hair.

Changbin slipped on a pair of comfortable shoes, and made sure he had his wallet and phone in his pocket.

He knocked on the bathroom door when he walked past it in the hallway. He could still hear water running so he knew that Hyunjin was still showering. "I'm leaving, see you later!" He called out to him.

He didn't get a response, but he knew that the younger boy had likely heard him.

Making sure the door was locked behind him, he left to make the walk to the company. He would meet Jisung and Chan there, where they'd be working with another producer.

He made the walk without any incidents with fans, which he was happy for. He was grateful for their fans, of course, but it was hard to deal with the attention sometimes.

Once he made it inside he pulled out his phone to give Chan a call. He place the phone up to his ear and waited for the call to go through.

"Hello?" He heard Chan say.

"I'm here...what room am I going to?"

He got the floor and room number from Chan, and he thanked him and hung up the call. He made his way to the elevator and to the room.

He knocked as he opened the door, which resulted in all heads turning towards him.

"Hey Changbin-hyung."

"Hey Bin."

He was greeted by his members, and the third man stood up. He walked towards him and held his hand. "I'm Je Yoon."

Changbin knew who he was, they had just never worked together before. He reached out to shake the man's hand, bowing down slightly as he did so. "Changbin...nice to meet you."

After their greeting was done, they both settled in a seat in the room.

The group would go on to work on a new track. Jisung had already written the lyrics, they just needed to touch it up and create something that would put it all together.


"I'll be right back, I need to pee." Changbin said to the others.

They had been working for over an hour and had decided to take a small break. He took that as a good time to finally leave for the bathroom.

"Can you get me a drink from the machine on your way back?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah, sure."

He walked out of the room and into the hall. He walked down to the end of the hallway where the bathrooms were. He was quick with it and was soon back out in the hallway.

He stopped at the vending machines that were outside of the bathrooms. He took his wallet out of his pocket and began to pull his card out, but was interpreted from a voice to his left.

"Wait, I'll pay for it."

He looked over to see Felix, who was already extending his arm out to swipe his card on the machine. He didn't need to ask what Changbin wanted, he already knew what his favorite drink was. He bought two of them, handing one to Changbin and keeping one for himself.

Changbin mumbled a "thanks." He was going to turn back around and go back to work, but Felix spoke again.

"So...can we talk for a moment?" He asked.

"Well, I'm kind of in the middle of working on a song..."

"It won't be long."

Changbin let out a sigh. "Okay.."

Felix gently grabbed onto Changbin's arm and guided him to a nearby empty room.

He gestured towards the couch that was there. "Sit." He said as he closed the door behind him.

"So...what do you want to talk about?" Changbin anxiously rubbed his hands together, not looking Felix in the face.

Felix sat down beside him. "So, yesterday you didn't let me speak...and I've been thinking a lot about what you said, and I should just be straight with you."

Changbin's heart rate was increasing to the point where he could hear it in his own ears. "Okay..."

"I realise now that how much of an ass I've been, and I'm sorry for that...I'm really sorry."

"I was only thinking of my feelings, and didn't realise that you'd be effected by it too..."

Changbin still didn't understand what Felix was trying to get at, but at least he was owning up to him being an ass.

"I have been avoiding you, but it's not because there's something wrong with you. There's something wrong with me. I just didn't want you to hate me."

He paused, and Changbin finally turned his gaze towards Felix. "Why would avoiding me make me not hate you?"

"Changbin, I like you." Felix blurred out.

Changbin was confused, he still didn't quite understand. "What are you talking about?"

Felix groaned. "I really like you!"

"I like you more than just a friend way."

Changbin shook his head. "And your solution was to get rid of me? Did you really think I'd judge you that much?"

Felix looked down in his lap. He felt like he was being scolding, which he probably deserved.

"I don't care if you like me Felix. It happens. You can't control that....What makes me angry is the way you handled it." 

"I know, I'm sorry.." Felix mumbled.

"Next time you have have an issue, talk it through instead of pushing people away, okay?" Changbin placed his hand on Felix's shoulder.

"So...do you forgive me then? Are we okay?" Felix said.

"I don't really know, you'll have to step it up...but your feelings aren't a problem for me. We've been close friends for years, we can figure something out."


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