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Changbin felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist as he stood in front of the kitchen counter, a bowl of kimchi eggs and rice in hand.

"Did you make any for me?" Felix asked, placing his chin on Changbin's shoulder from behind him. His voice was still deep and raspy from having just recently woken up. It sent a chill down the shortest's spine.

He turned slightly to gesture to his parents, who sat on the couch. "My dad made it actually...but yeah, there's some for you."

His parents looked over to them once they heard Changbin speak. Neither batted an eye at Felix's intimate gesture. They were already aware of how touchy all the members could get with each other, especially with Felix, so it wasn't something they'd think twice about.

Felix yawned. "Mmm, thanks.."

Changbin was going to get Felix's food in a bowl for him so he tugged at the arms around him, trying to remove them from his waist. That only made Felix whine and tighten his grip on him.

Changbin chuckled. "Yongbok, you need to let go of me so you can eat..."

"Ugh, fine..." Felix pouted, but he did finally let go of him.

Changbin grabbed another bowl out of the cupboard. "You can be all cuddly with me later, okay?" He scooped the rice into the bowl and placed the last two kimchi eggs on top of it. He put a spoon in the bowl and handed it to Felix. "Here."

Felix nodded and took the bowl. "Mhm, thanks."

While they finished their food, Changbin's parents explained what their plan for the day was. They'd travel to Cheonjeyeon Waterfalls. Afterwards they'd come back to a nearby beach for the rest of the day.

"Does that sound good?" The woman asked.

Changbin and Felix both nodded. "Yeah, sounds fun to me." Felix said.

She smiled. "Good good. We'll leave after you two eat and get ready then, we already slept in."

"Mmhm, I'll take a quick shower before we leave." Changbin brought the last spoonful of rice to his mouth. "...didn't get to last night." He said through a mouthful of food.


Changbin squeezed a glob of sunscreen into his palm. He rubbed his hands together before spreading the sunscreen onto his face. He repeated this for the exposed skin on his arms and legs as well.

The group of four had already gotten back from visiting the waterfall. They had spent about two hours there, hiking and enjoying the view. Afterwards, the headed back to the beach that was near the house they had rented.

Changbin tossed the bottle to Felix, who was sitting on a beach towel beside him.

He couldn't help but watch as Felix rubbed his hands along his body. He had always thought the scenes in movies where the camera would zoom in on people putting sunscreen on sensually were cheesy. But he felt like the lovesick teenager that actually enjoyed those scenes when he watched Felix do it.

He had to look away when Felix ran his hands along his toned stomach. His ears turned a darker shade or pink as it reminded him of the night before.

"Once this dries you want to go in the water for a bit?" Felix asked, leaning over to give the bottle back to Changbin.

Changbin, still flustered, took a few moments to respond. "Uh..sure, yeah."

Felix didn't take any notice to it. He just nodded and laid back on the towel.


"Okay, see you later!" Changbin said as he got out of the car, shutting the door behind him.

Felix had already begun walking to the door of the house, a towel wrapped around his shoulders. He waved to his parents one more time and turned to follow him.

Changbin's parents had decided to go out to eat at a restaurant after they'd finished at the beach. They agreed that his parents would go, and Changbin and Felix would go back to the house. That would give both pairs time to themselves.

"What do you want to do for dinner?" Changbin asked as he put the key in the lock, turned the knob, and pushed the door open. He stepped aside and used his hands to gestured for Felix to walk in front of him.

"Hmm, I don't really feel like cooking right now...so, want to see what we can get delivered?" Felix said as he walked inside.

Changbin followed and closed the door behind him. "Yeah, sounds good to me." He pulled his phone out to check what restaurants were near them.

They spent some time looking, but eventually decided on a small dimsum restaurant. It was nearby, so it wasn't long before the delivery person was knocking on the door and handing them their bag of food.

After getting the food, they decided to go to the second floor to eat on the rooftop terrace. They sat at the table outside and didn't waste any time getting the food out so they could eat.

As they sat there, Changbin noticed that Felix was eying his food. "Can I have some of yours?" He eventually asked.

"I was waiting for you to ask."

He leaned over the table and held the spoon out for him to take. Felix leaned over as well and ate from the spoon, never taking it from Changbin's hand.

"It's good, I should get that next time." He said.

Changbin scooted the bowl across the table towards Felix. "You can have it if you want."

Felix shook his head and pushed the bowl back. "No, it's okay. I like this too." He pointed to his own bowl of soup and noodles.

"Good...honestly, I wouldn't have given it to you anyway."

Felix laughed at Changbin's comment, but they both went silent afterwards. A sense of tension returned to the atmosphere. It was clear that something was going unspoken, but neither of them seemed to want to break the ice.

After finishing their food, they collected their trash and dishes and made their way back to the kitchen to clean up.

Felix was the last to place his dishes in the sink. "I'm going to shower before bed." He said, turning to walk out of the room.

Changbin reached out to grab his arm as he walked away. He hesitated before speaking. "...We should talk first..."

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