yandere paintbrush x reader

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Yandere paintbrush x reader

Normally paintbrush would be like very angry and all in all of these soo

Idk if this is yanderish or smth

Paintbrush was ur typical go to person. They had good advice and a nice tone to calm you down if you were ever panicking and all.

Paintbrush was always showing there soft side when your around because you don't bother them as much as the others do

You guys would go to restaurants and order posh food while having tea and cakes. Yet if the food isnt hot/cold or we didnt get a table in 30 mins they end up taking your hand softly and leading you out the place.

They would sit Down on a bench and just eat sandwiches with you if everything else doesn't go to plan. They are very comforting if you do have to vent.

They enjoy hanging out with you very much as thinking your the only one in their life which actually has some sense knocked into them.

In paintbrushes hotel room there's pictures hidden in a suitcase under there bed. Fan was looking for Baxter one day and he crawled under paintbrushes bed. He decided to kneel down and try to reach him but instead pulled out a suitcase instead.

After he looked inside of it he started making ship fanart of you 2 or fanfictions of ur interactions.

Test tube found out and told fan not to do this cuz it was invading privacy. Fan didn't listen and test tube would stop him however even she was curious of this too.

So they both snooped through yours and paintbrushes things while you both were gone or in the shower.

One day paintbrush saw these fanfictions Fan wrote since he posted one by accident and instead of being angry..they thought it was kinda cute.

Although Fan got scolded when paintbrush saw Fan rooting through there things, they also asked if he could write a love letter to you.

So him and paintbrush stayed up all night correcting eachovers Grammer mistakes and making sure it was perfect for confessing to you. In the morning you woke up from your bed to find Baxter with a envelope.

"Oh hey there little buddy" you smile and take the envelope. You open it up and saw the sweetest poem ever (also 20 pounds note) in there. You appreciated it very much but it wasnt signed so you couldn't thank the person who did this.

So you walk out the room and look for testube since she might be able to tell whose handwriting it was. When you got down to her "lab" the basement she greeted you.

You handed her the envelope and she used a microscope to look at the writing.
Alot of squiggles gave her 3 options, apple,lightbulb or Fan.

In the end she figured out it was Fan and told you. She insisted you would hang out with him and you agreed.

She led you back up the stairs and into the fan's features room where he was preparing his bow.

"Excuse me Fan? Can I have a momment of your time please?" You asked and he nodded yes.

You both sat down on a sofa at the side of the room and you mumbled a bit "is this by any chance yours...?" You show him the envelope and he blushes.."uhh"

"I assume it is a yes then?" You kiss him on the cheek and smile then you get up and walk out the door but giving him a wink.

Fan became a flustered mess and went into his and paintbrushes room. Then he screamed down into a pillow. Paintbrush asked him what's wrong "Fan whats wrong?. It better not just be a weird ship fanfic again" paintbrush roles there eyes.

"Uhh..you see..Your friend or crush..kinda kissed me" mumbles under his breathe and tries to hide his face.

Paintbrush gets annoyed and stands up from the bed. "What." They place there hands on fans shoulder trying to stay as calm as possible."is this a joke fan?" Paintbrush got a idea and let go off Fan. Then they rushed up to the security cameras room and refreshes on one of the cameras to 10 minutes back.

They stand there in shock and disbelief when they see you kiss Fan instead of them. They hold in their anger and stomps down to the basement to talk to test tube.

After a long long..looong..discussion paintbrush was given a paralyze gun from testube

They run up the stairs and look for you. You were sitting on the sofa alone watching a romance movie. Paintbrush sat down next to you

"Nice movie isn't it?" They asked while looking down at you.

"Yeah. I was planning that Fan would come down and watch thi-"

"Hes not coming." Paintbrush said angrily but then calms down. "But you have me dont you?"

You smile softly and nod "uh huh maybe we should switch the movie though?" You suggested but they just say no and you watch the movie until you fall asleep. Your body ends up laying on paintbrushes shoulder and he grins "there there.." they carry you to their room and place you in their bed then they put the paralyze gun in one of there drawers.

"Just for safe keeping.."

Did you either find out if it was paintbrush or Fan who sent you that? Nah prolly not but in the end paintbrush showed more effection which just made you go along with it.

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