yandere scenty x reader

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Still crying till this day because I'm being ghosted😙

I got motivation for this 😁

Well you met scenty (Amelia) the same way you met everyone else in the competition but it felt like you kinda knew her from a while back

You glare at her as she starts panicking while the mysterious voice kept on gobbing on about the contest

I guess u just went up to her and started to comfort them.

"Hush now it's going to be fine " you patted them on the shoulder as her tears dried up

"Thanks ..really I appreciate you helping me out.." scenty said as she took your hand and got up

"No problem we have the same motive to get out of here anyway so we should stick together just in case" you offered her a deal

She weakly smiled and and shook it.

Over time you and her were developing a friendship

Sometimes you would invite bryce and Liam to the convisation which scenty didn't mind as long as it was just them and not anyone else

Everytime there was a challenge scenty would try to help you out the best that she can but yet again the problem was that you and her was winning and not focussing on getting out

10 months later

It was the final 6

And still you didn't get eliminated but how? And why isn't scenty worried anymore

She didn't even cry a shred of tears when backpack got out

Whatever you lost the challenge anyway and scenty got immunity

You went over to the pool and gazzed in the reflection

Why are you still here? You barely putted effort into any challenges and the only reason u didn't loose everytime is because scenty would carry the contest for u

Someone else's reflection starting to appear in the clear chlorine water

"Oh uh hi scenty?" You thought she'd be hanging out with bryce since he just rejoined but she surprisingly looked like they were in a good mood

She dipped her grippers into the crystal pool and started to make motion with your hand

"O/n can we have a chat about something?" Scenty asked as her fingers dug into your hand smoothly

"Sure what's Up?" You moved your hand a bit more to your left

Scenty looked more desperate now

"I was just thinking....maybe it's the best that we avoid the others" scenty sighed looking back into the reflection

"What? But why " you wondered as moving a bit away to her

"Well bryce has everything under control and we haven't really been together in over a month" scenty pointed to bryce discussing something to everyone else

"Um scenty that's kinda rude so I'm gonna have to say no to that " you started to climb down the logs when she grabbed your wrist

"Please I don't want to be alone again" scenty pulled u back up but still holding your hand

"Then come down with me and join in with bryce " as you tried heading down the logs again she gripped your wrist and held it tightly

"Um Amelia let me go please" you asked nicely

"I'm sorry I can't I just don't want to loose you like everyone else" She ducked your head into the water and started sobbing

Was this guilt tripping or shit?

You got your head back up from the water but from the water u did kinda felt sleepy

She forced your head onto her lap as you drifted off to sleep

"I'll see you when you wake up hun " she smiled and started to carry u

5 hours later you woken up

It was the place where you and the others pulled out that last logg but it was sticking up again?

"Hello anyone here " you said as trying to get up

Amelia walked up to you in glee dragging whipped creamy

"Heya hun good that your up because we have this place all to ourselfs" She let go of the body and hugged u

So yeh bryce got filled with water and got shooken till he died, whippy creamy got trays corpes scooped inside him so that his insides come out , subway seat drowned and moldy was ripped apart

All scenty needed to do was cry and it made you feel guilty for some reason

If you tried to escape she would end findinf you since there isn't that many places to go or just guilt trip liam into helping her find u

Liam couldn't do anything cause he's a pussy

You wouldn't get a punishment you would just have to deal with scenty crying on your shoulder until you apologise

If you eventually like her she would be with you all the time and try to give you everything the plane had to offer

If u didn't tho well she just needed some time but you'll be stuck with her for a while

Anyway 830 words no pic because storage.

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