Yandere bowbot stuff

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Motivation? Nah

Anyway this is probably going to be the shortest one of the bunch soo

How was it that u were stranded on a island competing on a show standing beside a robot

It was something.

Number 1. Thanks to testube , bowbot was now taller than u.  what a shame because you used to be the 2nd tallest

But now that she's taller it gave her a big advantage.

Number 2. Guiltripping , Whenever u didn't want to hang out with her testube would end up convincing you to

If not Well.. bring some tissues cause your gonna be dealing with A crying bowbot until you agree

Goo would of tried to cheer her up but unlucky him , got kicked off

Sometimes even fan would text you to hang out with her and send u a bunch of notifications until you do

Number 3. She would offer you strawberry ice cream all the time and if you didn't like it she would understand and get you a cake instead

Testube would try to make a robot which bowbot could fall in love with since you didn't want to hurt her feelings but it just didn't feel the same .

Number 4. Bowbot wouldn't kidnap you because your on a island with a bunch of cameras so instead she would start to put some sleeping drops into your drink so it would give her a chance to cuddle with you

If you didn't take the drink and caught onto what she was doing Testube would make a magnet machine and plug it into bowbot and you when it was nightime

So that you and boobs could never leave eachover

When you die She begs mephone for u to get recovered but then she plans something out.

Testube would secretly invite fan over to the island so that both of them could
Drag you to a secret spot and try to cover you in metal then colour your design

So now u were a true magnet.

Well fuck this. My motivation is killing me

Oh yeh it's chapter 2 now WITH ZERO STUPID LORE BETWEEN THAT.


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