Chapter 15: The Final Touch

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You're still processing what just happened, and you looked at your bag to see if you're missing anything. Let's see:
You have the 4 eyes.
Some tools you brought.
Apples that now melted and soaked your bag.
The key..
Where's the item that had your family in?

You look around the house, because good lord you don't want to go near that door. You look around and.. You find a bunch of (material of the random object you chose) scattered around. You find the item that your family was once in on the living room desk. You hear a door opening.

"Y/N, we're home!" your mother called out, followed my chatter of your other siblings. Oh, I never gave you any specific details on how many siblings you have, haven't I? Well, better late than never. You have exactly 3 siblings, and you're the middle child. "Mom! Siblings! Oh how I missed you so much!" you excitedly say as you hug all of your siblings and your mother. "Missed us?" the youngest sibling said, but their question was ignored when your mother said "Oh no.. You broke/destroyed my favourite (object that your family was once trapped in). You looked back at the object and tried thinking on how to explain it. You know very well that whatever you say, your family won't believe you. It doesn't matter, you remember what you thought. So you played along.

"I didn't break/destroy it," you say childishly, "it must've broke/been destroyed when you've escaped.". "Oh dear, what happened to your knee?" you mother asked, as she kneels down to look at your knee. "Y/N, just because I made fun of you for liking a kids show doesn't mean you had to shut yourself from us. You know it was a joke!" your youngest brother/sister said. "I know, I know. I just got caught up in my imagination a bit too much." you replied. "Well, get yourself cleaned up. We got a lot to do today." your oldest sibling said, which was the first time the viewer heard of them. "We have a party to go to tomorrow." they continued.

"You mean.. The final day of school party?" you ask. "Of course silly!" your youngest brother/sister said jumping around. "We need to clean your bag too." you mother said in the distance, holding your soaked bag. She left the other items on the kitchen desk for you to take. As everybody else got back to their own rooms to work, you look back at the destroyed object that had your family in. It made you.. Proud. You went to the bathroom to wash yourself.


You were laying on your bed as your youngest brother/sister joked around. "Reminder for you not to watch TV anymore, or you'll go bonkers!" they teased. You laughed with them and waited for them to fall asleep. Once they were completely asleep, you grabbed the 4 ghost eyes and had to do one more thing. You put it under your pillow-you couldn't think of anything else to put it- and fell asleep. You opened your eyes to find 4 bright colours in front of you. Gold, Scarlet, Emerald, and Violet. Then those 4 colours all modeled the 4 ghosts. All of them not having buttons for eyes anymore.

"It's a fine, fine thing you did for us miss/mister." the golden ghost said. "Well, I'm glad it's finally over." you reply with a relieved sigh. "...It is finally over.. For us." the scarlet ghost said nervously. "What about me?" you ask. "You're still in danger!" the emerald ghost said. "But how?! I locked the door." you said. "Its the key miss/mister. There's only one and the Apple Eyne will find it." the Violet ghost said as the key was floating. You grabbed it, and you tried thinking of what to do. "Don't worry miss/mister. That's the last thing you need to do, and you'll truly be free." all of the ghost said as they huddle around you. You wake up, key in hand, and out of your bedsheets. You stood up and looked at the eyes from under the pillow. They were all shattered like eggs. You can only think of one thing to do with the key.

Burn it.

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