Chapter 12: The Second Ghost Eye

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You walked up to Home, and see how off it looks now. The eyes that were on the windows are now completely dark, or that he's staring straight ahead. Either way it creeped you out. You head inside Home, and see the dining tables that have been moved to when you first visited here. The chairs were all rotten and looked as if a sculptor's model wasn't done and the clay was still wet.

You take a seat on your chair that didn't seem to be rotten like all the others. Once you sat on the chair, 3 dishes fell out of nowhere and onto the table. Then, a hand morphed out of nowhere and showed what was underneath the 3 dishes.

You notice that this is a hidden object game, and you pull out your adder stone. You see a lovely scarlet glow underneath one of the dishes. Then it moved horizontal. Then clockwise, vertical, counter clockwise, vertical, clockwise, clockwise, and horizontal again. You kept your eye on the scarlet light while it kept moving in so many directions.

The dishes stopped, and you put away your adder stone. You opened the 2nd dish, and it had the eye you needed. Once you reached out to grab the eye, the food-mostly the salad covering it-became mushy and grasped your hand like a bear trap.

"THIEF!" the mush yelled out. It started to take form as Howdy. "THIEF! GIVE IT BACK!" the monstrosity of Howdy said, still grasping you. You struggled trying to get your hand out, so you grabbed the end of T.O Frank's net and stabbed it in the mushy Howdy's eye. It let go of your hand, grabbing the eye in the process. You pull out the net, revealing yet another apple and the mush disintegrates like before.

Home becomes all black and white like before and the scarlet color glows from the eye. "Great job miss/mister. You have 2 other eyes to find." the 2nd ghost said from the eye. You head out to somewhere you went, twice! Poppy's barn.

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