Chapter 5: Baking catastrophe!

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You wake up, ready to visit your neighborhood again! You instantly go downstairs to the kitchen to find the door. You open the door and... It's bricked up? Perhaps it only works in the afternoon.

Well, the best thing to spend your time while waiting for the door to be open is to watch Welcome Home. As per usual. Most of the episodes that were playing on the TV were the same episodes you saw before. You went to your bedroom and found a pie on your desk. And it's not an ordinary pie, it was an apple pie. You found a letter beside the pie saying:

"Hope you like the pie I made for you.

Well, you know Poppy for baking good confectionaries and pies. You take it downstairs to your kitchen so you can cut it. Sometimes you wonder how your mother doesn't believe you, even though you showed proof. You spend the rest of the time eating the apple pie and checking if the door isn't blocked with bricks.

Some time passes, and-wouldn't you know it- it's almost night. You prop yourself up and go to the door and now you can go through it. You finally figure out how the door works. It's only available in the afternoon and evening. You go in the portal and you're wearing (your 3rd favourite outfit), but coloured in (2nd favourite colour/colours). You head outside to meet your neighbors. T.O Julie comes up to you. "Ah! Y/N! You're just in time! We need you for something, come on!" she says as she grabs your arm and drags you to T.O Poppy's place.

You and T.O Julie go in to find T.O Wally, Howdy, and Poppy making something. T.O Poppy is putting the cupcakes in and out of the oven, T.O Wally and Julie are icing and decorating the cupcakes, and T.O Howdy is packaging them to people. "Oh good, you're here! We need your help making something." T.O Poppy says. "Oh? What's that?" you ask. "We need your help making cupcakes for our neighbors, but we're having trouble making them." T.O Julie said while walking up to Wally to finish icing the cupcakes. "Oh! I can help with plenty of stuff! What do you need help with?" you asked. "The icing is really difficult, can you figure out how to make it easier?" T.O Wally says, almost in an exhausting way. You agree and do a method that you saw your mother.

You fill in a icing bag with a colour and put in the empty icing bag (with the nose). You helped T.O Wally and Julie with the decorating. After baking, decorating, and packing up cupcakes for a good long while, all of the cupcakes have been finished. "Oh, I thank you for helping me Y/N!" T.O Poppy said hugging you. "No problem at all, anything I'd do for my neighbors!" you said as you look at O.T Wally, Julie, and Howdy. "Well, me and Wally should deliver these." T.O Howdy said, carrying some cupcake packages with his 4 hands. As for T.O Wally, he carried 2. You said bye to T.O Wally, Howdy, Poppy, and Julie as you go back to your house. You decide to do one more thing before going back to your normal home, which is to read books/watch movies. You pick out a book/movie, get cozy on your bed and read/watch.

After a good long while, you hear a knock on your door. You open it to find 2 packages of cupcakes for you, 10 cupcakes in total. You get them and find that the cupcakes are (favourite flavour). Your favourite! You eat the one package and kept the last one to bring back home. You go back to your bed, ready for tomorrow. As you kept reading your book/watching your movie, you slowly doze off to sleep.

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