13: Smoke and Mirrors

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I hesitantly watched from a distance as the team interacted with the new bot, unsure of what to make of his overconfident nature. According to Smokescreen himself, he was 'destined for greatness' or something along those lines. He especially made me even more nervous when I overheard that he was a member of the Elite Guard.

"Didn't you say there were 6 of you?" Smokescreen asked Optimus. Optimus noticed me hiding off to the side and motioned for me to step out. Cautiously, I complied, Smokescreen immediately going hostile.

"Why is HE here?!" Smokescreen snapped. I backed away a bit, looking to Optimus with a silent plea for help.

"Y/D has been with us for some time now. I expect you to respect him. He has risked his own life on several occasions to protect everyone here." Optimus said firmly.

"How do we know he isn't just playing some long-term game?" Smokescreen snapped.

"Considering how he is essentially second in command," Arcee butted in, catching me by surprise. "I'd say this isn't a game."

"Arcee, you don't have to defend me." I said, the two-wheeler crossing her arms in annoyance. "Smokescreen has every right to be suspicious. I am not exactly without infamy."

"The only good 'Con is an offline one." Smokescreen growled.

Bumblebee noticed my anxiety despite my attempts at hiding it. The scout made his way to my side and gently held my servo with his and glared at Smokescreen.

"Young bot." Optimus said, a hint of frustration in his voice. "Y/D has risked his spark for us more times than I can count. The first thing he did when we originally met him was save Bumblebee from a cave in. He went against his own sire in combat multiple times."

"I... I didn't know." Smokescreen said.

"Don't fret over it too much. I would have been suspicious as well." I said, eventually after a few moments I dismissed myself and went to my shared berthroom. I sat on the berth and gave a heavy sigh. My helm hung as I tried to calm the anxiety.

"Hey." I heard Bumblebee buzz as he entered and shut the door. "You okay?"

"I will be." I said, giving him a tired smile. "He has every right to suspect me." Bumblebee sat on our shared berth, pushing me down and tackling me in a hug. I squeaked in surprise and chuckled in amusement. He lowered his intake guard and showered my faceplate with kisses. I couldn't help but give a small laugh at his gesture.

"The only thing you are guilty of is being beautiful." He buzzed defiantly, his helm resting against my chassis. "And guilty of being very comfortable."

"You're too sweet, my Honeybee." I said, kissing the top of his helm. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"Forgiving me for punching you in the face. And um, ya know. Saving me." I snorted in amusement at Bumblebee's comment.

"I'd do it all over again." I said, my digits tracing shapes on Bumblebee's door wings. The scout gave a content sigh and rested his optics, going into a light recharge. I eventually followed suit, unaware that a certain human had snuck in and took a picture of us before sneaking back out.

"Y/D, Smokescreen needs an assist!" I heard Ratchet say. I nodded and dove through the ground bridge to see him and Soundwave engaged in combat. I was afraid he would do something this reckless.

"Soundwave!" I shouted, catching the silent mechs attention.

"The frag are you doing here?" Smokescreen snapped, his frame fairly battered. I rushed over and stepped in between the two mechs.

"Soundwave, I don't want to hurt you, nor can I allow you to keep this up." I said firmly.

"Y/D. IS? Soft. Soundwave! Will eliminate. YOU!" Soundwave said through his multiple recordings.

"You don't have to do this!"

"Soundwave. Follows only. MEGATRON!" The silent mech then swung at me, knocking me back.

"So be it!" I growled, drawing my blade and attacking. I had never battled with Soundwave before, but I had heard of how he and my sire were an even match in the Pits of Kaon. I was not going to allow him to offline Smokescreen. I blocked a blow from Soundwave and went for a strike when I was hit by a sonic blast. I let out a cry of pain, desperately trying to fight off whatever Soundwave was doing to me. Unfortunately, it would all be in vain as I felt my frame collapse to the ground.

"Y/D... to Optimus... I... I'm down." I managed to say through the comlink before collapsing. I felt my frame being dragged scrossed the ground and the sound of a ground bridge opening.

"Smokescreen! Y/D!" I heard Optimus yell. Then I remembered no more.

I awoke strapped down to a medical berth, Smokescreen bound to one next to me. I grogilly rolled my helm to him, my ridges furrowed.

"Smokescreen?" I whispered.

"This is your fault!" Smokescreen snapped at me.

"My fault?! I was trying to help you!"

"And now we are both captured like rats! You should have stayed out of my way!"

"Do I look like an idiot Smokescreen?" I snapped angrily.

"Yes, you do!"

"Why do you hate me so fragging much?! I did NOTHING to you!"

"Oh really? I've heard of the atrocities you committed on Cybertron! You created the Cybonic Plague that wiped out thousands!"

"It was meant to be used to find a cure, you idiot!" I retorted. "The Cybonic Plague was created so that I could manipulate it to create a universal anti-virus."

"Yeah, right!"

"It's the truth! Why the frag would I lie about this?!"

"Smoke and mirrors to keep everyone in the dark!"

"If I wanted there to be smoke and mirrors, I wouldn't have come out to save you. I would have let Soundwave beat you to a pulp rather than trying to take him on one on one." I huffed in annoyance. "Whatever the Elite Guard told you about me, that was the true smoke and mirrors." Smokescreen paused and then sighed.

"What do we do?" He asked.

"I... I have no idea. I guess we have to wait and see."

Beauty and the Bee (Tfp Bumblebee x Mech!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now