5: Butterflies

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"And this is what the humans call a 'cat video.'" Bumblebee buzzed. He and his human charge Raphael had been showing me various human things. I watched as the strange orange feline on screen batted and object off of a counter. I tried remaining stoic until I heard the cat's owner yell 'STEWART I NEED THAT!'. That got me in and instant, and I couldn't help but smile, quiet laughter shaking my frame.

"Orange cat behavior." Miko said with a grin.

"This is quite amusing, I will admit." I said. "But I must ask why these 'cats' do this sort of thing?"

The humans looked at each other and then shrugged.

"Y/D, why are you wasting time watching such things?" Ratchet asked with a huff.

"Earth is fascinating to me, Ratchet. Organic life is so strange and interesting!" I looked over to the medic. "Plus, I find it amusing when smaller creatures bully larger one, like when cats pick on dogs. Or when sparkling animals naively go up against their adult counterpart."

"Still don't understand your reasoning."

"And that's fine." I said.

'Most don't understand anyway.' I thought.

"I'm going out for a flight." I said, shifting forms and leaving the base. I tore through the skies and streaks of white trailing behind me. I enjoyed flying. It gave me a sense of freedom. I eventually landed in a field filled with various wildflowers, my optics in awe, and the beauty. It was like a sea of color with tiny little creatures going from bloom to bloom. I carefully laid down on my tanks and watched the little creatures, unaware that a certain scout had used a ground bridge to follow me. Bumblebee saw me watching the tiny creatures and chuckled, alerting me. I turned my helm to look at him.

"Why did you fly off like that?" Bumblebee beeped curiously, sitting next to me.

"Old habits. Whenever I feel like someone is getting annoyed with me, I kinda just leave." I said, holding out a didget and letting a brilliant blue and black butterfly land on it. "It's a defensive thing, I suppose."

"I'm sorry, that must be difficult." Bumblebee whirred. Bumblebee then sat next to me, looking out to the field of flowers. "Earth is such a unique place. Organics of all shapes and sizes must view us as titans. Especially the really small ones." Bumblebee chirped.

"Or as a perch." I said, catching Bumblebee's optics. He stared in awe as I had a variety of butterflies decorate my frame. A small amount of then had settled on my helm, giving me a sort of butterfly crown. One in particular was massive and was resting between my optics. "I can't move, I don't want to scare them." I said.

"If I recall correctly, butterflies are attracted to beautiful things." Bumblebee buzzed, my spark fluttering at his comment. "And I have to say, they have good taste." I shifted slightly, the butterflies taking flight from my frame except for the large one on my forehelm.

"Was.... was that a flirt?" I asked in disbelief. Bumblebee suddenly realized what he said and became a flustered mess.

"Well, I um...."

"Bee, are you okay?" I asked, the large butterfly taking off as I sat up.

"I... I guess it was."

"How long have you been working up the nerve to say something like that? I've only been with the autobots a few months." I chuckled.

"If I'm being honest, Y/D, ever since you saved me from that cave in." I cocked a ridge at him curiously. "You're strong, brave, gentle, and one Pits of a fighter. You come from a background of cruelty, and yet you dont continue the cycle. Not to mention that you are a beautiful mech in my optics." I was now as blue as the sky above us was, Bumblebee inching his way closer to me. He sat between my legs, looking up at me with his big, innocent optics.

"Y-you think I'm beautiful?" I asked.

"Very. Both in spark and frame." He then lowered his intake guard and pressed his helm against mine.

"I-I am not good with words, Bee, so let my actions speak for me." I said, pressing my dermas against his. His optics widened at my advance, but he relaxed and melted into the kiss. I pulled him down on top of me, my servos gently roaming his frame. Eventually, Bumblebee broke the kiss, his optics half-lidded. He raised his mouth guard back up and nuzzled into my chassis.

We laid there under the warm sun for a while, casually talking and enjoying eachothers company. For once, I felt at peace, like nothing could bring me down. I was... happy. I was happy to be an Autobot,  I was happy to be on earth, and I was especially happy that my pining for the mech had finally paid off. I heard a soft sigh from Bumblebee. Looking down, I saw he had gone into recharge on my chassis. I watched his gentle vents and his peaceful face, taking in every detail I could so I could never forget this moment.

'Adorable.' I thought, my servo gently running circles on his backstruts. After a bit, I found myself closing my optics and going into a light recharge. Unaware to the two of us, a certain minicon had been spying from a nearby treeline.

-on the Nemesis-

"He seems happy." Starscream said in slight disgust.

"I think they are adorable." Knockout chuckled. "A big strong mech with a soft spark and an energetic smaller mech? The perfect power couple."

"You only say that because you and Breakdown are a thing." Starscream snapped.

"And it's true. Breakdown and I are a power couple, and you can't do anything about it. " Knockout chided before returning his focus to the screen. "If Lord Megatron awakens from his coma, I can only hope he doesn't break the poor lovebirds' sparks."

"I think I'll do it for him out of spite." Starscream sneered. "By taking Y/D out of the picture, permanently."

Beauty and the Bee (Tfp Bumblebee x Mech!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now