10: The Question

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"Bee? Where are we going?" I asked, curiously looking over to the scout as we entered a large cave.

"It's a surprise, Y/D! Can't ruin it by telling you." Bumblebee beeped.

"I just don't - by the Primes!" I exclaimed as we came to a massive hidden grove of wild flowers. Butterflies danced about, and the flowering trees shaded the grove. Surrounding it was a wall of natural stone, at the top a large opening that filtered in light. On one side of this hidden sanctuary was a running waterfall that poured in from above, a deep lake at its base that flowed out through another entrance. It was like a whole other world that had been concealed from prying eyes for centuries. "What... what is this place?"

"I found it when I went on an energon scouting mission the other day." He buzzed. "I know how you like these sorts of things, and I wanted to show you it."

"It's incredible!" I said, turning to him with a smile. I then noticed a look of hesitation on his face, and I began to worry. "What's wrong?"

"I um, I've been meaning to ask you this. We never made it official, and um, I was wondering if you would be my sparkmate?" He chirped in an adorable, flustered way.

"Did you even need to ask?" I chuckled, pulling him close to me. "But I want us to bond on Cybertron when the war ends. As much as I like this little mudball, I think home would be better."

"Soooo that's a yes or?" I let out a laugh at his adorable inquiry.

"Of course, Honeybee." I said, my dermas pressing a kiss on his forehelm. "I would love to stay by your side for eternity, both in this life and the next."

"Unfortunately, that won't happen!" I heard a familiar sneer say, my frame quickly shielding Bumblebee from view. In front of me stood Starscream along with Megatron and the last femme I ever wanted to see.

"Hello, Y/D." Airachnid said with a sadistic smile.

"Why are you here?!" I growled, my blade drawn.

"I came to collect my son." Megatron growled.

"I'm not going back, sire! Not without a fight!"

"I told you it was pointless!" Starscream chided.

"You WILL return Y/D." Megatron barked, his optics switching to violent. I felt my frame buckle, and a yelp of pain left me. "It appears I have control over you."

"B-bee... run." I choked. "R-run."

"I won't leave you Y/D!" Bumblebee whirred. I whipped my helm around, my optics a sickly violet.

"Run! Get away!" I cried, trying to fight back whatever Megatron was doing to me. I felt my frame stand against my will, my blade raising. "G-go!" I fought against Megatron control, everything hurting, and it felt like I was on fire. I watched, and Bumblebee ran, Airachnid starting to go after him.

"Leave the scout Airachnid." Megatron said, his servo tightening into a ball. I felt myself choke, my vents ragged and difficult. "I have what I came for." I felt my frame get flung into the stoney wall, the air forced out of me and darkness taking me.

I awoke in the medical bay of the Nemesis, strapped down to the medical berth with multiple monitors hooked up to my frame.

"Prince Y/D, it is good to see you awake." I heard a voice say, my helm turning to see a cherry red mech next to a tall blue mech.

"Wh....what happened?" I asked weakly.

"What was the last thing you remember?"

"I... there was a cave in at an energon mine. I was caught in it." I groaned, my helm throbbing violently.

"You took a nasty hit and have been in a coma for a while." The blue mech said. "Knockout and I were called from the field to take care of you."

"And... my sire?"

"I'm here, Y/D." I heard Megatron's voice say, my helm turning to the warlord.

"H-how did I get here?"

"Breakdown found you after Starscream failed to locate you. I am just glad to see you are recovering." Megatron said, but something seemed off. I decided to ignore the feeling, my helm hurting too much to really bother.

After a while, I was released from the medical bay and was at my sire's side. Questions burned in my mind, and something didn't feel right, like I wasn't supposed to be here or someone was missing.

"You are deep in thought again." Megatron said, snapping me out of my trance.

"I'm sorry, sir. I guess I am still recovering from the cave in." I said, the nagging feeling that something wasn't right panging in my spark.

"Lord Megatron."  I heard a familiar baritone voice say, although I do not know why. Standing before us was a red and blue mech with an oddly kind face.

"Orion, you haven't met my son Y/D, have you?" Megatron said.

"No, I have not." The mech, Orion, looked at me curiously.

'Why is he so familiar?' I thought before I shied away.

"Do not mind him. He can be a bit inteoverted." Megatron said. "But come, both of you will be needed for a project that has been in the works for some time."

'Project? What is he going on about?' I thought, following him and Orion through the halls of the Nemesis. 'Why is this Orion so familiar? Ugh! This is driving me nuts! I gotta find out the truth!' I then let put a small whimper of pain as my helm started to hurt again.

"Y/D? Are you alright?" Orion asked with concern.

"Just... just my helm hurting. I was caught in a cave in and was out of commission. But everything feels fuzzy." I said, trying to regain my composure. Megatron looked at me with confusion.

"Go lay down Y/D, I will have to have a word with Knockout about your condition." He said. I nodded and went to my berthroom, laying down and closing my optics. As I went into a light recharge, I saw flickers of a familiar yellow and black mech pass by in my mind. Then I saw no more.


Beauty and the Bee (Tfp Bumblebee x Mech!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now