7: Nightmare

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I awoke to find myself on the floor of the Nemesis's med bay, my helm spinning like crazy and my vision blurred.

"Y/D! Y/D! Are you okay?" I heard Bumblebee beep. "Please tell me you are in there!"

"What... what happened? How'd I get here?" I grunted, sitting up and looking over to the scout and Ratchet. I then heard heavy pedesteps approach, my gaze shifting to see a fully awake and alert Megatron. I jumped to my pedes and shielded the Autobots from him.

"That won't be necessary, Y/D. I should thank you for restoring me. Now, get out of my sight while I deal with a certain seeker pest." Megatron snarled, pushing past us. We made a run for the ground bridge, escaping the Nemesis.

"So let me get this straight." I said, sitting on the medical berth back at the Autobot base. "Megatron was actually in my head? And he possessed me like some sort of parasite?!"

"It was really scary." Raphael said. I grimaced at the child's words.

"Do you not remember any of it?" Ratchet asked.

"No. I didn't hurt anyone, did I?" I asked with concern.

"Only a few scratches." Bumblebee buzzed. I let out a small sigh of relief, my frame aching and tired.

"You should go recharge." Ratchet said.

"I'll be fine, Ratchet." I lied, not wanting to cause any more problems.

"Ep ep ep, don't argue." Ratchet scolded. I snorted in response and gave a defeated grunt. I stood and made my way to my berthroom, sitting on my berth with my helm in my servos. I stared blankly at the wall opposite my berth, unconsciously counting the various scratches and cracks.

"Y/D?" Bumblebee chirped, catching my attention. "You okay?"

"I... no, not really." I said, Bumblebee sitting next to me on my berth.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really. I... I kinda just want... um." I then grabbed Bumblebee and pulled him down onto me, cuddling the mech. He let out a beep in surprise but then chuckled.

"You really are bad with words." Bumblebee buzzed.

"Actions tend to speak louder, my Honeybee." I said, kissing his helm. My digits wandered his frame, gently toying with his adorable door wings. "I'm lucky to have you."

"Well, someone has to make sure you don't get yourself into trouble." Bumblebee teased, earning a sarcastic look of shock from me.

"What? Me? Never! I am a good mech." I chuckled.

"Yes, you are a reckless one, but a good one." Bumblebee snuggled into my chassis, his helm resting over my spark chamber. "Not to mention beautiful. Did I mention beautiful?" I snorted in amusement at the smaller mech.

"You are too adorable for this world." I said, kissing the top of his helm. I found myself slipping into a recharge with the warm mech on me. However, it was not a pleasant one.

In the nightmare, I was sitting at the edge of a great chasm, violet liquid flowing below. I stared into the chasm with curiosity until I felt something kick me in the back. I felt myself fall into the violet liquid, pain and fear swallowing me whole. Then, I heard the signature laugh of my sire.

I jolted awake, accidently startling Bumblebee from his recharge.

"Sweetspark? Are you okay?" He chirped groggily. I didn't say anything but rolled us to the side, my face buried in his neck cables.

"Nightmare." I muttered.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"It's... it's not important. Just anxiety." I chuckled, internally wanting to spill but couldn't. "Don't worry, I'll be okay."

"You say that yet I know you are lying. I know I can't force you to tell me things, but I want to be there for you."

"I just... emotions and such are seen as weaknesses."

"Well, no one else is around. You can be weak around me." He buzzed, looking at me with his adorable optics. I looked up at him and finally felt my walls crash down.

I buried my face into his chassis and silently wept. I told him of my nightmare, my fears, the constant nagging self doubt, all the emotions I had kept inside for millennia were now dumped out for only him to see. After a while, I finally calmed down, Bumblebee tilting my helm up.

"Feel better?" He beeped.

"Y-yeah. I'm sorry, I don't know why that all came out." I said shyly.

"No need to apologize. I know this sort of thing is not something you are used to doing." He chirped, lowering his mouth guard and showering me with butterfly kisses. I giggled at his act, our dermas meeting in a deep kiss. "Now try and recharge."

"Hey Bumblebee?"


"I love you." Bumblebee paused and looked deeply into my optics, a servo gently caressing my faceplate.

"I love you too." Eventually, we both went back into a deep recharge. I was lucky to have him.

A/n I know short, but cmon! It's fragging ADORABLE!

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