2: Second Chance

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I awoke, laying on my back, my (f/c) optics slowly opening. I stared at the ceiling, not recognizing where I was. My leg hurt, and my helm throbbed, the combination causing me to groan.

"Easy there, Y/D, you got a pretty nasty knock to the helm, and your leg was dislocated." I heard someone say, my helm slowly turning to the side. I blinked a few times and saw the autobot medic near me, causing me to jump back and fall off the medical berth with a bang.

"Ugh. Don't scare a bot like that!" I grumbled. The medic huffed and pulled me back onto the medical berth, running some scans over my frame.

"Ratchet, are you sure that's Megatron's kid? He doesn't seem dangerous." I heard a small voice say. I looked over to see 3 humans all gathered together.

"Looks can be deceiving Raph." The tallest human said. "I still don't know why we are helping him."

"Trust me, small one, I am just as confused as you on the matter." I said solemnly, avoiding the humans' gaze.

"Y/D is here because he risked his life to save Bumblebee." Optimus said as he walked in. I looked at the Prime and hesitated under his gaze, glancing to the floor. Optimus sensed my uncertainty and gave me a curious look. "I must ask, why would you risk your life for the enemy?"

"I... I don't know. It seemed to be the right thing to do." I said.

"You sure he's a Decepticon?" The human girl piped up. "He doesn't sound like one either!"

"Miko!" The tallest human scolded.

"Jack, think about it! He could become a kick-aft Autobot if given a second chance!" The girl, Miko, argued to the one called Jack. "Plus, Optimus said he was lied to about the Autobots! Imagine going your whole life, not knowing you were on the wrong side!"

"As um, flattered as I am in your confidence in me." I said meekly. "I could never be an Autobot. I don't want to lose my sire."

"By joining the Autobots, you may not have to lose him." Optimus said. "Perhaps he will see reason, and peace will follow."

"Knowing my sire, I highly doubt it." I said. "Just... let me think about it."

"Of course, Y/D, no one is forcing you to choose." Optimus said, once again catching me off guard.

'I... I can have a choice? That's possible? I could do the right thing! But... sire... he would be disappointed. Primus, what do I do!'

"I don't know what to do." I muttered, looking up at the Prime. "What... what do I do?"

"Follow your spark whenever your processor can't make up its mind." Optimus said.

'My... spark?' I thought, placing a servo over my chassis and looking down. I furrowed my ridges, a long pause as I was deep in thought.

"If... if I do side with you, will you still treat me as an enemy?" I asked.

"No, because you would be an ally. The Autobots cherish allies as if they were brothers and sisters." Optimus said.

"Ill... consider your offer." I said. "You are taking a huge risk, though, sir."

"Earth is a place for second chances, and I believe you of all individuals deserve a second chance."

'I wish I could believe that.' I thought. Later that evening, when the other autobots were  either on patrol or in recharge, I snuck out using their ground bridge. It was difficult, but I managed to do it. I emerged on the other side, right where the entrance to the collapsed minr was. The pain from my helm and my leg was almost unbearable. I felt my helm spin again, forcing me to a seated position.  I then opened a comlink to the Nemesis.

"Y/D to Nemesis, I... need help." I groaned, collapsing to the ground. The stars above me blurred, and I felt like I was about to purge my tanks. I heard a ground bridge open, and several vehicons rushed out along with Soundwave. The vehicons carefully lifted me up and carried me back through the groundbridge.

"What happened?!" I heard my sire bellow, rushing to me and having me lean against him.

"The mine was attacked by Autobots. It caused a cave in." I groaned. "I was trapped but managed to escape."

"And where was Starscream?"

"I don't know." I lied. "Did he make it out?"

"He did, but he said you went offline."

'Stupid slagging seeker.' I thought angrily.

"I'm stronger than that stiletto wearing frag thinks." I grunted with a smirk. This made Megatron laugh.

"That's my mechling! Now let's get you fixed up."

My recovery time was fairly quick, and I was back on my pedes. I kept thinking back to the Autobots and the kindness they had shown me. Part of me felt guilty for leaving, but the other part of me knew that if I stayed, they would have all gone offline.

"Something troubling you?" Megatron asked, noticing that I was staring off into space both metaphorically and literally.

"Hm? I'm just thinking, sir."

"You do that too much." Megatron said. "Perhapse, you would like to assist me on a particularly unique mission." I looked over to him curiously.

"Sir? What sort of mission?" I asked. Megatron then led me to a restricted part of the Nemesis. Inside was a massive violet crystal. The power it radiated had me in awe, my curiosity now obvious on my face.

"What is this?" I asked, noticing my sirens once crimson optics were now the same color as the crystal.

"A gift. Something that will make you stronger than before." I watched as he grabbed one of the smaller crystals and broke it off. "The process will sting a little, but it will be worth it."

"Sir? I-I don't- GAH!" I cried out in shock as he drove the shard into spark chamber. I felt a rush of power course through me, the shard fusing with my spark and closing the wound that was created. My vents became ragged and heavy as I fell to my knees. "What... what just happened?"

"Immortality, so to speak. You and I now possess a power as old as time. Now I will teach you to use it." Megatron said, holding a servo out to me. I hesitantly took it, Megatron pulling me to my pedes.

Little did I realize that Megatron had cursed me with a darkness that I could not get rid of.

A/n yeah, Megs decided to give Y/D space meth.

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