11: Memories

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I awoke only after a few moments, my helm throbbing.

'Fragging Pits! What is wrong with me?' I thought, getting up and making my way to the medical bay. I stopped and pressed my back to the wall when I saw my sire, keeping out of sight.

"Knockout, you said you knew how to erase his memories!" I heard Megatron growl.

"I said I could block them, not erase. The device I have implanted on his processor  will do its thing in a few days. THEN, he won't remember anything."

'What?!' I thought in a panic.

"And the Dark Energon?" Megatron asked.

"Removed as you requested. We almost lost Prince Y/D in the process, as you are aware."

'I... almost died?' I thought, my ridges furrowed.

"Yes, but I could not risk him using the power of Dark Energon against me. He is too clever for his own good."

"He is your son, my liege. Would you expect anything less of him?" I then heard my sire snicker in response.

"Indeed Knockout. I can only hope that our dear Orion doesn't re-soften him."

'Orion knows me? Wait, he knows me! Or maybe he doesn't? I have to find him.' I then left my hiding spot and went to find Orion, spotting him in front of several monitors in a usually restricted area.

"Orion?" I asked curiously. He turned his helm towards me with an inquisitive look.

"Prince Y/D, how may I be of assistance?" Orion asked.

"Please, Y/D is just fine unless my sire or the others are around." I said, leaning against the doorway and crossing my arms. Orion gave me a confused look. "I was never one for formalities." I then looked up at the screen, curiously inspecting what he was working on. "Is that the Iacon Database?" I asked.

"Yes, Lord Megatron wanted me to decrypt it. It's proving to be far more difficult than I originally thought."

"13 factor encryption?" I asked, surprising Orion.

"How did you know?"

"On Cybertron, I worked in the field of science and technology. I kinda had a knack for it." I said, making my way to Orion's side. "Never really got to hone it, though."

"Lord Megatron mentioned your skill. He seems proud of you." I was slightly taken aback by his statement, but I hid it from him. "Perhaps I can show you a thing or two while I decrypt this?"

"Wait, really?" I said, my optics lighting up in excitement. I notice a small tint of blue on Orion's face at my excitement. "I mean, um, ahem, if you believe it will be beneficial." I said, regaining my composure. "But I will have to consult with my sire first."

I then left Orion to his work, making my way to the bridge.

"Ah, Prince Y/D." I heard Airachnid coo behind me, the femme seductively approaching me. I put on the facade of annoyance while internally I was very much afraid of her.

"Airachnid, what did you need?" I said, my voice monotone.

"I was wondering, how is it that a big, strong, handsome mech like yourself hasn't been bonded with anyone yet?" She said, her servos running along my chassis.

'I have a mechfriend! Wait, I do? Where did that thought come from?' I was pulled from my thoughts when she brushed her servo against my hip.

"I prefer if you don't touch me." I snarled.

"You're adorable when you get angry." She smirked, using her spider-like limbs to hoist herself up to optic-level. "I could just take you right here and right now."

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