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Ekaterina's POV

I've been watching TV with the boys in the lounge. It's currently 10:00pm and Tia is not back yet. I want to believe that's a good sign. I've been thinking about it lately, and today, that she went on a date with Scarlett, I thought about telling her what's been going on, but it's not my place and even if it were, if she's already hooked up, telling her about how her possible-new-girlfriend's husband abused her would make her extremely mad and I don't want to have to cover another murder. It's so much work. Not the point, but you get it.

Third person's POV

Ekaterina, Dimitri, Alexei and two other bodyguards were on the living room watching a horror movie, when in the moment of most suspense, when everything is quiet and they're about to get scared, Anastasia swings the front door open and scares them. "Merde!", "Crisse!" Ekaterina's bodyguards yelled while Dimitri and Alexei just laughed at their fellow bodyguards. "Если ты так испугаешься фильма, я не могу представить себе в реальной жизни. (If you get so scared with a movie, I can't imagine in a real-life situation)" Alexei taunted and Dimitri laughed at his colleagues and said "французский (French)". Ekaterina laughed as well but defended her bodyguards "Ладно, давайте будем милыми, ладно? (Alright, let's be nice guys, okay?). Anastasia walked towards the living room laughing too, Ina turned to look at her with her arm on the back of the couch "Как все прошло, детка? (How did it go, babe?). "Это было бы идеально, если бы не папарацци, которые преследовали нас в конце концов. (It would've been perfect if it wasn't for the paparazzi that stalked us in the end)" Anastasia, still behind the couch, wrapped her arms around Ina and laid her head against her friend's. "Да! Я уже позаботился об этом, босс. (Ah, yes! I already took care of that, boss)" Dimitri informed. "Спасибо, Ди. (Thank you, D)" Anastasia smiled at him big time. Ekaterina turned her face and told her friend the good news she had learned earlier that evening. "О, кстати, близнецы пригласили нас на вечеринку у бассейна в эти выходные. Это должно быть весело, и мы давно не были вместе. (Oh, by the way, the twins invited us to a pool party this weekend. It should be fun and we haven't gone out together in a while)", a very excited Anastasia replied "Отлично! Это правда, что мы не тусовались вместе несколько. Это будет так весело! Я надеюсь, что вы принесли сексуальное бикини. (Great! It's true we haven't hung out together in a few. It'll be so much fun! I hope you brought a sexy bikini)". While saying this, Anastasia slid her hands all the way from Ina's shoulders past her breasts, really getting in there, all the way to her abdomen. "Vous devriez prendre une chambre. (You should get a room)" Ekaterina's guy said. The girls just laughed and Ina told him "Ouais on devrait (Yeah we should)". "Пожалуйста, не позволяй нам спать. (Please don't, you won't let us sleep)" Dimitri pleaded.  "Мы не настолько громкие. (We're not THAT loud)" Anastasia defended, all the bodyguards had the same you-are-loud-as-fuck face.

Anastasia's POV

After the guys were done bothering us, I took Ina to our room. Alexei yelled "Не дави на газ! (Keep it down!)" while we went up the stairs. Ina laughed and gave him the finger. Once we were there, I pushed Ina onto the bed, "Я не думала, что ты хочешь заняться сексом прямо сейчас. (I didn't actually think you wanted to have sex right now)" she said, "Нет, не надо. я просто хочу пообниматься с тобой и рассказать, как прошло свидание. (No, come on, I don't. I just want to cuddle with you and tell you how the date went)"  I told her in a fake I'm-offended tone. "Хорошо, иди ко мне. (Alright, come here)" she said and she laid in the middle of the bed with her arms open, I got on the bed and crawled to her, laid my head on her chest and intertwined our legs. I told her everything, every single little detail. I even asked her about the goosebumps I felt. She says it could mean I feel something for Scarlett but I still don't know what. We talked for hours. I feel safe in her arms. She doesn't judge me, she just listens and tries to help. I noticed something I mentioned bothered her, but if it was important enough, she would've said something. At some point, I fell asleep in her arms, peaceful, safe and cared for.

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