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Hey everyone. It has been a while since I've been on wattpad or really anything at all so I figured I'd give a small update as to why I haven't been on as well as what I have been working on. It also will include some personal things.

I guess the first thing to say is that I haven't thought of dropping the story. If anything, I kind of forgot that this app and the story existed for a while as I was having problems with entering my account(mainly on my laptop where I write the story most the time). Since I was having trouble getting in, I guess over time, I kind of forgot about it with stress taking over.

Second, I work full-time as well as a full-time student. With the stress of working and schooling, my days are usually filled, leaving lil time to write. I probably should mention that I am a high-school student as well. With finals coming up, my main focus has been trying to pass and graduate for my future, so I haven't had much free time either.

Third, while I was struggling to recover my account, I was writing from time to time. However, I have been struggling to come up with content and something enjoyable for all to read. With having this problem, I didn't want to write, really. I was feeling punished having to write and worry about everyone's thoughts at the end of the chapter I might get. I understand that probably sounds stupid, but I come from a family that wasn't really supportive and criticises everything that I do. I also just struggle with anxiety. I don't want to write something and feel uncomfortable when publishing it

Fourth, I have been struggling to write as I don't have really any experience. I do understand you don't need to have experience to write, but even so, it has made it hard for me to express what I actually want to say to motion the characters in this story. Many of the old stories I used to write were very short. I wanted to push myself, however, with this story and make something I never thought I could do. I know that if I were to try and do this isn't my own, I wouldn't be able to. With seeing this story up for adoption, I thought that it was my chance to try and complete this dream of mine. I have always wanted to be a writer, but struggle as I do lack many things

Even with all these issues, I do enjoy writing for everyone who likes my work(even if just saying it to be kind). I am hoping to have another chapter out before summer happens. I will hopefully be able to write some more during the summer as I won't have school.

I have a small beginning chapter for the next chapter of anyone who would like to read it. Nothing has been proofread, and it doesn't mean that things could change. Even so, I think it would be something nice to include for everyone who is anxiously waiting for the next chapter. I also want to let everyone know that I have been writing a small side story(It may be a part of the main story if i somehow get to a point where I can add it. Most likely, it will stay as a side story) on Dakota's father's life. It is a bit about before Dakota was sent off. However, it's mainly gonna be about his life after Dakota left


Laying down in the bed as the two slept, probably not even realizing that they were. The day moved by slowly for Leif and Aiden in the quiet house. However, with Caleb and Dakota, it was moving in an instant, only realizing when having woken up...

Caleb's POV

Grumbling quietly while keeping my eyes closed, I felt a warmth underneath my chin. My tail started wagging on its own. It was a nice feeling to wake up to, but where was this warmth coming from?

Opening up my eyes, there was an arm wrapped around my furry body. Looking over, I had noticed it was my boy. He was sleeping next to me. Never has he done this before, making me want to take advantage of this time. I continued to lay there, hearing the soft voice he let out. Soothing me, I didn't want this time to ever be over.

Time had passed as he continued to sleep, and I continued to lay there. Not moving at all, not wanting to wake my boy up. It was all a dream come true. However, all dreams come to an end, and I looked over to notice the time that had passed. The sun was about to go down.

The pain of having to leave my boy laying there was hard, but his protection was more important. Standing up, I had been about to leap off the bed only to be pulled back down by his arms. Ears going down, I couldn't waste time and squeezed out of his grasp, leaping off of the bed. Changing back to my now normal form, changing into clothes now basically naked. I headed to the door, carefully closing it behind me. It was getting darker quickly. I was running out of time.

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