Two Wolf Talk

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I sat down on Caleb's bed as I stared at Leif and Aiden. Aiden had been sitting on the bed with me while Leif had just been sitting on the ground. What did these two want to talk about exactly that needed me to be involved?

Watching as the two looked at each other, their gaze soon had turned towards me. Nothing was said. The silence in the room was nerve-wracking.

"What did you want?" I said trying to break the silence.

Leif looked at Aiden as he whined, looking over at me. His ears had gone down a bit. I looked at Leif confused. He looked as if he was in despair over something. What was he trying to say? My stare turned over to Aiden expecting something to be said. He was probably a translator for this wolf.

"Um.. Dad's asking what happened with you and Uncle Caleb. He's been really upset since he came out."

Does that really need to answer? This kid probably doesn't understand but Leif should know. It's not that surprising. I looked at Leif as I spoke, making sure he could hear all I was saying

"Why do you care to know my answer? You probably already know."

"You wolves.. you destroyed my life. My father won't even talk with me anymore. My grandmother is gone. My friends turned their backs on me. But worst of all, I am stuck with you wolves without any say in this."

I could see Leif's expression change as he heard these words leave my mouth. The skin of his muzzle moved, snarling at me. Seeing this, I started to back away further on the bed. For all I knew, this dog could've bitten me however, I didn't get far as Leif jumped up, pushing me down against the bed. He stared at me as saliva drooling out, parts of it landed on my face(Disgusting).

Aiden hugged Leif's neck as he was trying to pull him off. Things were starting to get dangerous here. I can't even communicate with him! The most I could do was try and get him off.

"Dad! Stop!" I could hear Aiden yell but, Leif had already seemed too far gone to hear. The look that he was about to maybe even kill me. Was I really gonna die in the jaws of a wolf? Their teeth piercing through my skin maybe even enough to break my bones. Blood spurting out soon staining the sheets of the bed. These thoughts, they terrified me.

Another wolf's growl soon could be heard in the room. Jumping up, the wolf's jaws clamped down on the scruff of Leif's neck, pulling him off of my body. Leif fell down to the floor. The sounds of him whimpering could be heard as he hit the wooden ground. The second wolf that stood Infront of me could clearly be seen. It was a black wolf with a white markings. The two stared at each other letting their own growls out at one another. Who was the wolf though? The though was going through my mind. Could it have been Caleb?

The two wolves of almost the same color had started speaking to one another. Of course, I had no idea what either of them were saying. I looked over at Aiden as he trembled, watching them. The kid had almost seemed as if he was going to shed tears. He looked like a helpless puppy, wanting someone to console his tiny body in theirs. As I watched the scene playing in front of me, I wondered why would anyone want to console a wolf... beast thing? They're overprotective of their mates and they don't even give them a choice if they're human! We are the playthings for them more than mates. It always has been this way.

Leif whimpered as he backed away, his ears following. Was he scared of him? What happened exactly? It all left me in confusion without anyone to ask. Two were most likely wolves and one is trying to keep himself from tearing up. Is this how I'm supposed to live till I die!?

The black wolf with white marking turned towards me. Flinching at the sudden eye contact worried me. Stepping closer towards me, I quickly moved back almost falling off of the edge. Quickly my eyes closed not wanting to see what may happen to me next.

Suddenly, something with a wet feeling touched my face. It caused me to flinch, slowly opening to see the wolf using its tongue.

Does this mean that I am safe? My heart is pounding quickly in fear, slowly slowing down that that fear I had wasn't actually coming.

I watched him as he stared at my face, patting his paws down on my legs. Their midnight coloured tail swayed back and fourth below me, laying his body down. He coddled my leg. He wasn't letting me get up. He almost seemed like the smaller dog I had kept when I was younger. Their fur looked similar as if they could hide in the night sky. I didn't like these memories that were coming back to me...

In the end, I had let him stay laying down on my legs. My hand on its own moved to his fur slowly, placing it down. This creature hadn't actually seemed all that terrifying in this state. The most intimidating part was probably their teeth. If they hadn't been so pointy, they would probably be seen as a more friendly creature. The wolf perked his ears up as he looked over at my hand, soon looking at my face. His expression had grown, his tail increasing it's pace for a while till settling down. He seemed happy to what he was seeing. This had made me think more that it was actually Caleb. I kept my mouth shut as I looked away. The two of us had been silent in the room. Not one small peep had left either of us as we stayed together on the bed.

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