Faxed Form

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[Caleb, Present Day]

Oh crud, my head hurt like a motherfucker.

Gritting my teeth, I placed a shaky hand to my temple, wincing when I could feel the bump that had formed there most likely from my wolf's shenanigans. Son of a bitch, he gets on my nerves.

Fuck you too, Caleb, he snorted.

Yeah, we don't quite get along.

I fuckin' hate you.

We have a strong dislike for one another, but it's nothing we can't work out. I always like to look on the bright side of things. I mean, sure, my inner wolf and I may not be on the best of terms right now, however, as soon as our precious Dakota comes to live with us, then I'm sure that the two of us will be able to work in tandem in order to be the best werewolf for our mate. After all, there's nothing more important to a werewolf than their mate. My inner wolf must feel and recognize that too; even though he may not be as well-rehearsed in Human Culture as I am, he must understand the vitality of the situation at hand when it comes to courting Dakota. I mean, it must be a very difficult—

Shut up! It's too early to deal with your Mr. Rogers, sunshiney bullshit! he barked, thrashing underneath my skin as he struggled to take control.

Luckily, because the sun was up, I had absolutely no difficulty keeping him contained deep down inside. I even smirked a little bit. Slowly, I opened up my eyes, wincing at the bright Texas sun that beat down on me. I stretched out my limbs until my back popped, relieving some of the tension that had built up in my body.

"It's about time you're up," my brother, Leif, scoffed as he sat in his wolf form right beside me. "I tried to wake you up before Aidan saw, but you were knocked the fuck out." He was silent for a bit, eyeing me up and down with his yellow and judgmental eyes. "Do, um, do you remember anything?"

I lifted my head off the ground, not even a little surprised that I was naked and lying out in the dirt on the shore of the section of the lake that was on my property. Scratching at the hair on my head, I tried to peek into my memories over what had gone down last night. Unfortunately, like always, my memory did not cover anything that had occurred after the sun began to set. Everything had been whited out.

"Not really," I admitted, groaning as I struggled up onto my feet, incredibly sore from whatever my inner wolf had done last night. He usually likes to run around in the forest surrounding the property, so he most likely added a couple more miles based on how my calves throbbed with each step towards my house that I took. Luckily, I owned several acres of land, so there were no nearby neighbors who would be able to see my nude form at all. The only one I had to worry about was Leif's nine year-old son, Aidan, but he was most likely in the bathroom getting ready for school.

Leif's ears flattened against his head and he nervously shifted his front paws in the dirt. "Um, why don't you try to recall what had happened just before your wolf took over," he muttered, not meeting me in the eye.

Uh, okay?

As Leif and I made our way back towards my small home, I fought hard to recall the events of last night. Let's see, I'd contacted the Alpha of San Francisco County to set up a video chat date with my mate, which I had insisted after hearing about his underage drinking. I'm not mad at him, I was just worried and fearful that he'd put himself into harm's way. Really, he should be here where I can keep a protective eye on him. Then I got to talk to Dakota, who has the most beautiful smile in the world I must add. I mean, damn, I've never seen anything more gorgeous in all my years on Earth. He's beautiful and I cannot wait to see it in person and to wake up next to it every morning. But I need to stay focused! Okay, so I got to talk to my Baby, and I helped him out with his online Werewolf Culture classes. Then the sun began to set and...

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