Form 20-28

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Officer Fischer slammed his heavy fist onto the front door, for some reason opting not to use our doorbell like a normal person. He held the collar of my school uniform in his other paw, scowling at me with his yellow eyes which sent shivers down my spine.

As we waited for someone to answer, hopefully my dad since his Lambo was in the driveway, the werewolf huffed to himself. "You know," he growled, "normally I make people who puke in my squad car clean it up themselves, but given that you're a new mate, I assume your mate is freaking out right now."

A pinkish blush formed on my face and I hung my head in shame. Sure I had drunk a lot of alcohol during lunch, and I had technically been arrested but not really, and then I'd thrown up in the police car while being driven home. However, all of that failed in comparison to however Caleb was going to react to the news of my exploits. I hadn't gone out with the intention of misbehaving, it legit just happens sometimes! But the worst part is that this could potentially get me sent to his home early if he decides that's going to be my punishment.

Oh man, I'm such deep shit!

I could hear Dad's soft footsteps making their way towards the front door and he opened it up, immediately frowning when he saw me with a police officer.

"Jesus Christ, Dakota!" he groaned out loud. "What is wrong with you?"

"Mr. Winters," Officer Fischer spoke up, giving me a side glance that looked almost sympathetic... I think I might still be drunk, "Dakota was caught underage drinking with some of his friends. Given the new laws Alpha had passed regarding human mates and misdemeanors, we have notified Mr. Indovino and he will decide whatever punishment there is to be."

Dad nodded to himself. "Yeah, I figured there was a reason why Beta was here earlier, fiddling with something in my son's bedroom." Eh?

Officer Fischer shoved me towards my father, who actually took a large step away from me. "Here, and if I catch you underage drinking again, then I'll take you to Alpha personally," he threatened me.

Oooh, I'm scared. Well, actually I really would be if that ever happened. "Yes, Sir," I muttered, vowing to never take a sip of alcohol ever again... for the rest of the day. 

I shuffled inside the house, resolving to hide in my bedroom for the rest of the day. I have no idea how Alpha or the police officer expects me to have a talk with Caleb over what I'd done today. My phone doesn't work since I'd broken it on purpose last night, and I'm not going to mail a letter like some old school pen pal bullshit just for him to decide my punishment. Still, my heart was racing in my chest as the prospect of Caleb forcing me to move all the way Texas right now popped into my head. My fingers were trembling and my mouth went dry. I have no idea what he'll decide to do to punish me. I barely knew the man. Legit, all I knew about him was that he's a twenty-nine year old werewolf who lives in Texas, and he wants me to call him "Daddy" like some sick pervert!

That's just cruel and unusual, just sayin'.

"Hey, Dakota! How did school go?" I heard Caleb's voice ask from somewhere in the sanctity of my own bedroom as soon as I entered.

"What the hell?!" I cried, leaping nearly five feet up in the air, whipping my head around as I desperately tried to find out where the werewolf was in my house. I knew that he'd managed to uncover where I went to school, but how the heck did he find out where I live? My vision was shaking both from my trembling and from the intense buzz I still had.

"Don't be scared, Dakota," Caleb cooed, trying to sound all soothing as he used his previously soft voice. "Look at your computer."

I turned around and my jaw dropped in horror as I saw that the blue light on the top part of my Mac was lit up, indicating that my camera was on. Oh, on the large screen was Caleb's smiling face as he happily waved at me. His grin was so large that it took up a majority of his face and he was all clean shaven with his hair neatly combed to the side as if he had spent some time on his appearance for a frickin' video chat.

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