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I slammed my head down onto the tiny table that was placed in the kitchenette. There were only two seats at the small table, myself in one while Caleb frowned in the other. Ever since we've arrived back to the house from the Orientation yesterday, he's had a scowl etched onto his judgmental face, narrowing his yellow eyes in my direction constantly as if I'd actually done something wrong which I so did not! All I'd done was talk to Zane, and Zane had initiated all conversation, so I'm totally an innocent bystander technically speaking!

"Babe," Caleb urged, tapping the notepad that was in front of me. "C'mon, all I'm askin' for is ten lines a day while you're grounded. We've been sittin' here for two hours and you only have one."

I groaned, rubbing at my temples in irritation. "This is so stupid, Caleb!" I whined, throwing my hands up in the air dramatically. 

The werewolf had actually had the balls to ground me for an entire month, which I'd honestly been seriously confused about at first. I've never been grounded before once in my life, so I didn't quite know what to expect. Caleb, because he's him, had decided that me being grounded entailed the following:

1. I was to write down in his notepad "I will listen to Daddy" ten times every day, meaning that by the end of my grounding, I would have written it down three-hundred times! That's abuse!

2. Tomorrow after school (oh God, that should be punishment in of itself), I'm expected to come straight home and start my homework immediately. I don't even get the point of doing homework since I seriously doubt whatever job I get will let me take my work computer home to do work... unless I'm like a CEO or something. How do I apply for that position?

3. I'm required to call Caleb during my lunch breaks at school and I have to text him my whereabouts between every period... clingy much?

4. My bedtime was moved up to whenever the sun sets, period. That is some utter bullshit! Eh, at least there's a TV in the room, so I'll put the captions on while I watch it. What Caleb doesn't know can't possibly hurt him... and I doubt he knows much to begin with anyways.

5. Last, and definitely the most stupid, was that whenever I wasn't in school and whenever I wasn't in the bedroom, Caleb imposed what he dubs "The Arm's Length Rule". And just what was that? Well...

I shoved myself away from the table, in desperate need of a well-deserved break. Stomping my feet as I moved, I went over to the fridge so that I could grab a soda. Aiden had shared with me a Big Red soda earlier, and it was actually pretty good, so hopefully there were more of those in there. Once I reached the fridge, which was on the other side of the tiny kitchen, Caleb cleared his throat.

"Babe?" he asked expectantly.

"Whaaaaaat?" I whined as I opened up the fridge, smiling when I saw more of the sweet soda stocked up in there. I snagged a can and slammed the door shut, spinning around and immediately rolling my eyes at Caleb's foolishness.

The shirtless werewolf (I have no clue why he insists on showing off his chiseled chest muscles... as if they're impressive, *scoff*) cocked his eyebrow at me and stretched out his buff right arm, his fingers splayed out. "Arm's length," he simply stated. Yeah, he's requiring me to remain within an arm's length of him at all times. Fuck my life.

"Then get your ass up and do it yourself," I snapped. This had to be illegal or something. I need to have my own privacy and space.

From the living room, I could hear Aiden giggle, which was followed by a low growl from Leif.

Caleb pinched the skin above his nose as he squeezed his eyes shut. "My love," he huffed, "I thought that we agreed that you wouldn't be using such language."

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