Zane's Past

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[12 Years Ago]

[Zane, Age 13]

"Hurry the fuck up!" the handler screamed at me as he yanked on the chain that was attached to the collar around my neck, making me stumble out of the windowless van. It'd been a long eight hour drive in the back of that hot van to my new home. My heart had been racing in my chest the entire ride since I didn't know whether or not to be relieved to leave the kennel or not. I could potentially have a decent life living the rest of my days as a butler to an affluent human family... or I could die tomorrow in a werewolf fighting ring.

I'd fallen on my hands and knees when I'd been yanked out of the van, the handler rushing up to me to unlock his collar from my neck. Once it was gone, I took in a deep gulp of air now that my neck was no longer hindered.

"Stand up, Pup," a feminine voice barked at me.

Quickly, I shot up to my feet, positioning my hands out in front, palms upward— the stance most humans prefer us werewolves to take because it shows them that we're not brandishing any sort of weapon. Slowly, I lifted my gaze, my eyes going wide when I took in the sight before me.

I'd been taken to a massive house— it looked like a castle! Back in the kennel, some of the elder wolves would read us pups fairy tales about princes and princesses living in elaborate castles that were tall and had humongous walls and towers. The home in front of me immediately brought those stories to mind since it was actually two stories tall— I've never been in a two-story before. There was a large iron gate around it, and it took me a while to notice that the van had entered the gate since I was standing on a smooth driveway before a fountain. The driveway circled around the fountain that had a statue of a bird in the middle, and beyond that was the house which had large steps leading up to the door.

A female werewolf, her scent reading off as a Beta, scurried at me as her nostrils flared. She wore a black dress that was shapeless, hiding her figure and her hair was pulled into a tight bun which was so tight that it seemed to stretch her narrow eyes out the smallest bit. The sunlight reflected off a silver chocker necklace that she wore, one that was at least an inch thick and had a red blinking light affixed to it.

The other werewolf rushed forward, grabbing a strong hold of my hair, jerking my head to the side.

I groaned with pain as she did so, earning a small growl.

She sniffed at me and looked at the handler. "Take him back," she spat at him, letting go of me. "My owners do not want an alpha."

The hander's face scrunched up in confusion and he looked down at the clipboard that was in his rough hands. "Yeah they do!" he countered. "It says so right here that they specifically signed for a wolf with alpha bloodlines." He even lowered the clipboard to show the werewolf who averted her eyes, a pink blush coming onto her face.

"Fine," she eventually sighed, her shoulders falling. 

She reached into the pocket of her dress and yanked out a copy of her chocker, quickly placing it around my neck and fastening it with a click. She then signed off on the clipboard and the handler who'd been the only guy I've been in contact with the past eight hours got back into his van and drove away, the iron gates closing shut behind him with a loud clang.

"Follow me," the werewolf huffed, grimacing when she looked down at me. "Don't you have other clothes to wear?"

Frowning, I looked down at the t-shirt that the kennel had given me when I'd turned ten and the shorts that I'd won in a wrestling match with one of the other pups. I didn't even have shoes. The shorts had a hole in them, showing off a large patch of my thigh and my shirt was so small that the sleeves bunched up at my armpits and my bellybutton showed pretty much all the time.

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