Chapter 6: Wronged

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"I want to die, what's the point of living?"
He was depressed again.

"We live to live," I texted him.
"Live for what? There has to be a purpose in life."
"We live to experience this life."
"But life's so miserable," he said.
"And that's what life is," I replied.
"Nah, I'll just die, no matter what it takes. I want to feel pain. Thanks for the advice, Jane. You're my only friend I can tell all these to. Probably I'll just take a gun, or a rope, or jump. Goodbye."

He went offline after that.

I started to get worried. He has never acted like this. I prayed that he was just angry with life and only saying but not doing it.

My mind told me to continue studying, ignoring what he's gonna do. But my heart took me away again, I decided to text his best friend about it.

I texted Kaden.

"Hey," I said. "Just here to say that I hope you can ask your friends if they're okay. I won't say who it is for now. I don't care if it's only a sentence or a long paragraph, but please do it. Thank you."

I wish that Kaden can stop his curiosity from asking why.

He did, but he replied in harsh words.

"Both of you broke up, why starting to worry about him?" he asked.

I looked at the words for ages. Keep blaming myself for listening to my heart again.

"Alright, maybe I shouldn't even worry," I replied.
"Why are you doing this now? 'Cause of what? Guilt?"

Kaden's words rang in my mind. It kept reminding me of this is the consequence of listening to your own heart.

"No, not 'cause of guilt. And I don't know why I'm doing this, but I just did," I said.

He never replied to me after that.

Humans are disgusting beings. They don't even know the true story behind it, and they keep blaming and asking others.

I felt so wronged by Kaden. Tears filled my eyes. I should've jailed my heart, let my heart shut the fuck up.

Thanks to him, I didn't feel real happiness anymore for a long time after that.

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