Chapter 7: Disappointed

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"I told Amelia about everything."
I suddenly remembered he once said this to me.

It was eight at night, the night was still young. Memories and pain came to haunt me. Kaden's sentences he said in the afternoon were still there in my brain.

I felt I was dying. My heart ached, my head felt dizzy, and I felt like vomiting.

"Amy?" I texted Amelia, "You there?"
"Yeahhh," she replied cheerfully.

"I heard that you know about it," I said.
"Know about what?"
"Me and him,"
"Him who?" I knew she was being cautious.

She saw the message but hasn't replied yet, but she texted me back after a short while.
"Oh, yeah. I know, what's wrong?"

Gosh, she knows?
Is she kidding?

"You know?" I asked.
"Mhm, he told me about it."

Why did he tell her?
What's the reason?

Probably he wanted someone to listen to him but, why Amelia? Where are his friends? Where is Kaden, Charles, or even Luke?

Amelia, she's my best friend! Although she's his ex-crush but still, why her?

I felt like my whole world crashing down.

Why her? Why Amelia? Why did you tell her what's going on with the two of us? WHY?!!!!

"ARGHHHHH!!!" I yelled painfully in my room. Millions of needles, even knifes cut through my heart. My parents opened my room door to check on me.

"Jane, what's wrong with you?!" my mom scolded. "You've been in your room for the whole day not eating!" It was nine at night.

"I DON'T FEEL LIKE EATING!!!!!" I yelled at my mom with tears. "Y'ALL DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!"

My mom stepping closer to me, said, "Jane, here now, tell me what happened-"

"ARGHAAAAAA!!!!" I shouted uncontrollably, pushing my mom away and dashed back into my room.

I sat in the corner of my room, tears rolling down. I didn't know what to do. I felt so hopeless.

I managed to message Amelia again.
"Sorry about just now, my mom called me."

"It's fine," she said. "I was deciding if I should message you to ask if you were okay when I first knew."

"I'm not okay," I replied.
"Aw man, why?"

Tears again. There are so many things I wanted to say for ages.

"No one understands. No one asked for the true reason. What they did was acted to be the victim, blaming me, asking me." I said.

"What the hell, who blamed you?"
"Well, it's a long story."
"Tell me everything."

I told her everything that happened.

"You know like, I think my parents did realise I was dating," I said.
"But he didn't even bother to ask for the reason," I continued, "That disappointed me, a lot."

Honestly, what disappointed me, even more, was he told Amelia about what happened.

"And Kaden, he- Ugh I hate him," I texted.
"True, I hate Kaden as well."

"Do you need a talk tomorrow morning?" she asked. "I can chat with you tomorrow."
"Yeah, talk about it to me, you will feel better."
"Sure," I said.

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