Chapter 3: Overthink

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The other rest of the days, I kept blaming myself.

Why does all of this happen?
Why did I make this happen?

We didn't talk for a long time, for many days.

I think my parents felt guilty, they decided to take me on a vacation on a beautiful island. We used a plane to get there.

I was glad they still care about me, at least a little. The vacation did help, helped me forget about him for a while. But it didn't help me from the roots of it, it didn't help the entire problem.

"But we're still friends, right?" I asked him.

But how can you be only friends with the one you love?

"You're on a vacation, huh?" he asked.
"Hope you have a great time then,"

I controlled myself not to text him those days. I have to make myself get used to it.

'Do you know how hurt I am?' his status said.

Yes, I know. Of course, I know.

I've ruined someone's memory twice now. Twice. I hated myself so much.

My overthinking got worst.
Why do I have to do this?
Why is it me?
Why is everything going so wrong?
This is so unfair.

I think I'll get back to being depressed anytime. Like the way, I used to be. I didn't want to feel like that anymore. That feeling was hell.

I was in the car, my phone in my hand, and my eyes glancing outside, watching the trees moving at a fast speed.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

I have no one to talk to about it. None of my friends knows about me and him. I have to keep my feelings to myself now.

I guess I have to move on, real quick. If not I know I'll be torturing myself.

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