Chapter 25

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(20 years old - September 6M)

Between the more enhanced light illusions, the barely eating, the constantly fighting off Burned ones and don't forget the thing growing inside of me - I was exhausted. And I just had to hope that it only got easier from here. I was now two thirds of the way there until I'd get to hold my precious child in my arms.

Saul and I have been staying at the Harveys since Monday and two days from now on Sunday we'd have to leave along with Ben back to the war. Ever since Terra's birth and with Ben away most of the time, Rose's cousin, Daphne had been staying with her. She was kind and a good help for Rose. Rose, especially with Terra being so young and Sam so curious, was always stressing about their wellbeing. Daphne was a doctor at a local hospital, and a very good one at that. Best in Solaria.

It had been a slow day today. Terra had settled down for her mid day nap about an hour ago and Sam had finally had enough of games and finally decided to eat his lunch that had been waiting for him for quite some time. While Sam settled down with his food in front of the television it finally gave us adults some time to chat all together. I'd left my seat to come around towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water while still listening in on the topic of conversation. When I came around the kitchen island something didn't feel right. Sure I'd been light headed all day, and popped a couple of advil - not that that probably really did anything for me anymore - but I started to feel extremely dizzy and in pain. I just wanted it to stop, almost so badly I wanted to leave my body. I stopped my trajectory, gripping the countertop firmly. Only Ben seemed to notice my sudden change.

"Farah, you alright?" He asked, gaining the attention of everyone else - even little Sam, who cared deeply for his Aunt.

I just nodded, my back still faced them. I couldn't speak, felt as though if I did I'd pass out. I slowly took another small step forward and then... I-I can't remember...

I sat up in the guest suite bed, glancing around at my surroundings. I would've thought my whole morning had been a dream if it had not been for Daphne that sat in a chair at my bedside.

"Do any of them know?" She asked gently.

"Know what?" I continued looking around, still unsure what had happened. The last thing I remembered was getting up to get a glass of water, I couldn't even remember if I'd gotten it or not.

"I'm not naive Farah. This is what I do for a living and I'm good at it."

I sighed, finally giving in."No."

"It's not good to keep things like this to yourself. This magic cover up is no good, neither is the no eating, dehydration, exhaustion. Today was just a warning, not a one off. If this continues both you and her could die." She lectured.

"H-her?" I asked, shocked and overjoyed.

Though she ignored me for now, wanting to get her point across before she forgot what she wanted to say; "Out there is your family. Your two closest best friends, your niece and nephew, your fiancé. These are the people that should know things like this."

"I can't!" I replied, starting to feel overwhelmed. "If I tell Rose she'll just tell Ben because that's what married people do - they tell each other things. Then Ben will accidentally let it slip to Saul and then he'll start worrying and I won't be the reason he gets himself killed. This is my burden to carry and mine alone."

She sighed, obviously not wanting to argue and hoping that I'd get there on my own. "Your daughter," She emphasized, smiling. "Is going to need a village. It's never too late to ask for help." She stood, making her way to the door and just before leaving looked back at me. "Get some rest."

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