Chapter 5

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(16 years old - near the end of the month)

I was half asleep in my last class for the day - History of Magic. Sure, I did find it interesting most days, but today had been so slow and I was just not having a great day. From beside me Rose kicked my shins hard under the desk, awakening me from my dazed state. I was about to punch her back in the arm for such a painful gesture when our professor, Ms Walsh, cleared her throat. "Care to provide us with the answer Farah?" She asked a bit more forcefully, obviously she was repeating herself.

I panicked for a split second then tried to regain control of my emotions. "Could you repeat the question?" I asked calmly, trying to keep the panic from rising in my voice.

"Where did the Great Dragon pick as his final resting place after the great war?" She repeated her question a bit slower than normal.

I had to think about this for a second, going back through my foggy memory of the lesson today and took a leap of faith. "Domino?" I answered, and it turned out more like a question than a statement like I had intended.

"Correct" Ms Walsh said and gave me a small smile before moving on.

The class had finished shortly after. Rose, Bronte and I were all making our way back to the suite when Estella and Dawson intercepted us in the courtyard.

Estella: Hope y'all are ready for some fun tonight

Bronte: I'm in for sure!

Dawson: So my boyfriend, Jason, was telling me about this specialists' first annual debauched kegger party that one of his friends, this guy Silva, planned. The whole school is invited but nobody is to leak this to Rosalind or Collier.

Estella: Come on let's go get ready it's in 2 hours! We don't have that much time!!

We all laughed as Estella practically bolted for the suite, but we all quickly followed. This was just what I needed to brush off my day.

There was a half hour now until the party and I still had not figured out what to wear and all the others were already almost done with their hair and makeup. I was never one for parties back home. As I stood in front of my wardrobe staring at it blankly I considered not even going when Bronte walked in in a navy jumpsuit and white open toed sandals, her blonde hair pulled back into a high pony and dark eyeshadow surrounding her eyes.

"Girl, the others are almost done and you haven't even started" Bronte finished, putting a hand on her hip

"Maybe I just shouldn't go" I sighed flopping back onto my bed

"Nonsense!" Bronte gasped at my comment and started going through my closet trying to find something for me to wear. When she left my room after a minute of looking I thought hopefully she had given up but that wasn't the case. She came back a few minutes later with a cute brown plaid dress still on it's hanger and threw it at me. I sat up and got a better look at it.

"Put those on and then we'll discuss hair and shoes" She stated, handing me a white mock neck long sleeve to go with it then started rummaging through my shoe drawer. I went and changed and came back a bit later to find Estella had joined her in my room and the two were discussing probably what to do with my hair. Estella wore a maroon flare crop top with a mini black skirt and black boots and had her hair down unlike Bronte. Estella smiled at me holding out a pair of white converse. I took them and started to tie up the laces.

"Alright, divide and conquer" Estella said while grinning at Bronte.

The two girls dragged me into the secondary bathroom in the suite that was vacant at the moment. They sat me down on a stool and Estella started brushing out any knots that may be in my hair while Bronte returned from retrieving her make up bag. After Estella had brushed out my hair she plugged in the curling iron and went to check on the others as it heated up. Bronte had finally gotten settled in and started with a light bit of bronzer, and was debating between eye shadow or not when Estella came back with Rose and another curling iron and plugged that one to heat up as Estella started curling my hair and her and Rose attested over the styling of my hair. Rose had picked out a very flowy, yellow floral dress with a matching brown leather belt at the waist and had her caramel hair flowing just over her shoulders. After Rose and Estella's little feud they had finally agreed on light curls that resembled more like waves than curls, and both had a curling iron on either side of my head, and Bronte had finally settled on skipping the eye shadow and going straight to mascara. Dawson had finally finished up and was leaning against the wall behind me observing and keeping an eye on the time. She wore a yellow blouse that was tucked into comfy looking black trousers and had her hair curled and pulled back by a black headband.

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