just keep quiet pt 6

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After about 2 hours of rubber duck concerts,wars,natural disasters,school and having a duck family they decided to get out of the bath and get dressed. Alaska lifted new york out of the bath,because his legs were still very sore and weak, “i don't have any clothes to change into” alaska lifted up an extra set of clothes for him,”these are to small for me and they should fit you…im going to guess that you are a small…these are a medium so they should fit you”  Alaska helped new york put the clothes on, and gave him lots of cuddles till they both fell asleep.

Florida went up to his room to his computer, that was dyslexia friendly, and started to download the audio onto a USB, and hid it in his drawer.  “A Floda,whatcha doin?” louis said leaning in the doorway,catchin florida off guard. Shutting the drawer quickly he turned towards louis,stuttering “n-nothing…i was uh..organizing.” louis walked over to florida putting his hand on the drawer handle “please dont…i made a promise to myself,” florida said, as louie looked at him with a confused look “it's a secret and i promised to myself that i wouldn't tell anyone…not even you” florida said looking down. The voodoo capital comforted the Sunshine state before heading off to do his own thing

Its been about a month and a half since they had moved in, and ever since alaska fucked new york, he has had strong feelings for him.  New york was in the middle of a really good book when his heart started racing, he ran to alaska's room crawling into his arms ''shh,you're safe now,” alaska said kissing him on the top of his head “do you want me to make you some food?” New York nodded into Alaska as Alaska slipped sweatshirt over New York so he can still feel some sort of cuddles from alaska. Alaska picked New York up and set him on the island in the kitchen, “what would you like?” he said looking at new york,as he nuzzled further into the larger states hoodie, “how about some pizza?'' New York nodded as The last frontier started to make the pizza.

“It smells almost as good as when I make it,” New York stated “thank you so much for making this for me” Alaska pulled the pizza out of the oven and started to cut it up for New York,when Sunshine turned the corner. He stopped and backed up, trying to remove himself from the situation, “Florida get back here!” The colder state exclaims, He keeps running until he reached the third floor when he tripped and fell,rolling on his back and covering his head, “Please! I swear I didn't tell anyone!” Florida screamed in a panic”dont hurt me please!” Alaska felt bad to see the smaller state, starting to cry, on the floor. He sat down on the floor and laid next to him trying to comfort him and prove he wasn't going to hurt him.  The larger state wrapped his arm around the smaller state, who was trying to pull away from him.

“Promise I didn't tell anyone!” gov walked out,to the cries of florida. “What happened?” gov said in worry “is he ok?”. “Hey sunshine” AK said softly, trying not to scare him anymore than he already is “I'm not going to hurt you…i don't even know what youre talking about.” Sunshine stopped resisting Alaska's hug and let Alaska lift him up,he still cried worrying that Alaska was going to hurt him. “I'm making pizza if you would like some” he led florida down stairs and went into his room,grabbing another sweatshirt and placing it on florida and taking him out to join new york. “Are you guys ready for some pizza?” They all ate their pizza and went back into Alaska's room. Florida curled up in Alaska's arms because he was really cold,”Florida what did you mean by earlier?” she asked “when you said you didn't tell anyone?” Florida looked down realizing he messed up. “I-I'm sorry…i know i shouldn't have but…im sorry” alaska started to rub up and down his back “what did you do?” he looked up at alaska and back at new york “i…recorded you guys” he muttered alaska looked down,”when?” Florida shoved his face into Alaska's chest and finished”when you two…had sex…”

New York felt really embarrassed and just scooted closer to Alaska, “don't worry you guys are safe with me,” the big man said “I'll take care of both of you.”  After a few minutes the two smaller states fell asleep as alaska held them close. Making sure not to wake them, or let Florida freeze.

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