why is he here and how did he get here pt2

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Lemon boy
by Cave town

Жил-был горько-сладкий мужчина, и его звали «Лимонный мальчик».
Он рос в моем саду, и я вырвал его за волосы, как сорняк.
И, как сорняки, он только пришел и снова вырос
Итак, я подумал, что на этот раз я мог бы оставить его в покое.
Lemon Boy и я начали ладить вместе
Я помог ему посадить семена
И мы косили газон в плохую погоду
На самом деле довольно легко быть милым с таким озлобленным мальчиком, как он.
Итак, я завел себе цитрусового друга
Но вскоре его горько-сладкий вкус начал меня раздражать.
Вы могли бы подумать, что пахнуть лимонной цедрой было бы довольно приятно
Я узнал, что мои друзья более пикантные
И они не слишком стремились к компромиссу с хорошим лимонным пирогом.
Итак, Lemon Boy и я, мы просто должны ладить вместе
Я помог ему посадить семена
А мы косим газон в непогоду
На самом деле довольно легко быть милым с таким озлобленным мальчиком, как он.
Итак, я завел себе цитрусового друга
Но что, если у меня закончатся удобрения?
Что, если облака закончатся дождем?
Что, если Lemon Boy больше не будет расти?
Что, если на пляжах высохнет сахарный тростник?
Ну что ж
Киты начинают выбрасываться на берег
Панцири черепах отрываются от их хребтов
Это происходит все время, это происходит все время
Лимонный мальчик и я, мы будем жить вечно
Как Снусмумрик и Малышка Мю, мы обойдемся где угодно
Лимонный мальчик и я, мы будем жить вечно
Как Снусмумрик и Малышка Мю, мы обойдемся где угодно
На самом деле довольно легко быть милым с таким озлобленным мальчиком, как он.
Потому что мы самые ожесточенные мальчики в городе
Да, мы самые ожесточенные парни
И я завел себе цитрусового друга

You could still tell louie was guilty and then after a moment he started to have tears fall from his eyes. He pulled florida close and started to mutter apologies in his ear profusely. “Its ok louie,” florida said trying to console louie,”im not mad at you…it was an acident i understand.” the two chaos bois ended up falling asleep, leaving alaska pined to the bed under them.

Gov had called a meeting and he noticed that alaska wasnt there and neither where louie and florida. At first he started freaking out not knowing where they where,but when he ran into the room to see florida and louie asleep in alaskas lap. “The meeting has started…you guys coming or staying here?” alaska looked up with foggy vision,”im going to get a shower and then come down…i think these two will be staying here…they are pretty tired.¨ He was working his wa out managing to get florida laid on luie and then went down to get a shower as gov continued his meeting.

When alaska came in a little bit later he didnt hear anything gov tried saying to him until texas went over and got his attention. He reached under his hat popped into his room and then back into the meeting room,¨ok what where you saying?¨ they gave him puzzled looks,¨w-w-wh-why did you…leave?¨ alaska looked back slightly confused,¨didnt you adopt me?...when i was born?...and then get full custody of me when i turned 8?¨ alaska said leaning forward onto his forearms,as the fed nodded,¨then why dont you know the reason i left?...i didnt hear you,i left, and came back able to hear you.¨ texas was putin one and one together(because lets be honest its not music theory) and called out,¨wait,from what info you ah givin us…ah you-?¨ alaska nodded and interrupted,¨deaf?...yes…and i have been,¨ looking at gov with a slight glare,¨ SINCE I WAS 2.¨ gov turned his head away and scratched the back of his neck.

¨dc?¨ someone said with a thick southern accent,laying his head on the feds shoulder,he was confuse because all the ones with the accent where already there,¨who are you?¨ the fed turned and he could tell who it was by just feeling his beard,¨florida is that you? Are you ok?¨ he shook his head no and went to his seat,¨florida get back here.¨ florida went over and sat in the chair next to alaska,laying his head on the bigger states shoulder. ¨are you feeling ok?...you seem sick.¨ florida leaned into alaska and shoved his face into his chest,¨i know dat look.¨ alabama said with a concerned facial expression,¨dats a huricane, and he might vomit on you…its mostly water tho but just make sure he dosnt drown.¨ and within seconds of that being said florida started coughing and alaska scooped him up and took him to the bathroom. He heard a knock and went to open it,¨Flo ah ya in der?¨ louie said, visibly worried about his best friend,¨Louie hes in here the door is unlocked.¨ alaska said calmly,rubing floridas back as he started to cry from the pain. Alaska didnt mind the fact that he was geting puked on or the fact that florida wouldnt let go, he just wanted to make sure that florida felt comfort and the support he needed.

¨are you sure you dont want to fall asleep?¨ florida shook his head and leaned back up against Alaska, and he started to rub his uper back "please you need to sleep." he said starting to stroke his hair aswell. ¨it hurts to much and im scared i might drown myself.¨  The larger state rocked the smaller,as if he was just a small and tired baby that needed to go down for a nap, and after mere seconds he was out like a light.¨dont worry i wont let anything happen to you.¨ he said in a quiet and hushed voice as florida just layed there asleep with the blanket over his back like a small baby. He was coughing in his sleep and the larger state just patted his back gently and after a terrifying moment he stoped coughing,but there was a lot of water that came out out of his lungs

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