Chapter 11

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Enadira woke up early on a beautiful winter morning; it was snowing. She looked around the room, and as always in the past few days, she was the only one there. She stretched herself as she rose out of the bed and decided to stay in her cozy pajamas. Enadira kept the window open if Odette were to come by, which she did, and made a small squaw sound at her. "Merry Christmas to you too, Odette," Enadira said, chuckling as she petted her softly, feeling her feathers.

Odette gave one last stare at her and flew off. "I'll see you after the holidays then," Enadira said, and she closed the window. As Enadira wrapped her hair into a bun, she left her dorm for the common room to see if anyone was there. As she arrived, she only saw Ron in his pajamas. "Ron, Merry Christmas!" Enadira smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Enadira," he said, and they hugged. Enadira looked around and noticed someone was missing. "Where's Harry?" she asked him. "Still sleeping," Ron said. They both understood what they had to do. "Harry, wake up!" they both yelled. "Come on, Harry!" they both yelled again. Then they hear running footsteps and see Harry above them. "Happy Christmas, you guys," Harry said with a small smile. "Happy Christmas, Harry," they both said.

Harry looked at Ron's sweater. "What are you wearing?" he asked him. Ron looked at his own sweater as Enadira gasped with awe. "Oh, Mum made it," he said. "There are more sweaters for you both," he shyly chuckled. "I've got presents?" Harry asked. "Of course, come down," Enadira said. Yeah," Ron agreed. Harry had a happy smile and ran down the stairs to see what he had received.

Ron first gave Harry the sweater and, surprisingly, one for Enadira. "I can't believe your mother gave me a sweater just like yours," Enadira said, chuckling as she was admiring it. The sweater was hand-made, maroon with the letter 'E' in golden yellow. "I told her about you in my letters, so she decided to make one for you," he said with a grin. "And the same for you, Harry," Ron said.

Enadira and Harry put their sweaters over their pajamas. Enadira's gifts for Ron and Harry were gift baskets filled with delicious sweets. The boys together got Enadira a set of quill pens and a new sketch book, which she was grateful for. "Where are Fred and George?" she asked Ron. "We've been right behind you," the twins both said, startling Enadira as they all laughed.

"We left earlier, but then we saw that your all were exchanging gifts," George said. "Yeah, but now it's time for breakfast," Fred said, and they both left. Harry and Ron followed them down, but Enadira had a better plan. The day before, Enadira finally finished her Christmas gift for Severus Snape and put his gift on his desk, then sneakily got away with it. Now she has decided to see if she can visit him and maybe see him open his gift, if he hasn't yet.

As she went to the dungeons and saw the door was open, she slowly viewed her surroundings and hid underneath a table where she could see the desk. She noticed the gift was still on the table. "He hasn't seen it yet, yes!" she thought. Then a door opened, and it was Severus Snape himself, dressed in his usual black attire. Enadira couldn't help but admire how handsome he was today, and she exhaled. Snape was about to leave, but noticed the gift on the desk.

He walked over to his desk and looked around the room with his eyes to see if anyone was here, but didn't see Enadira hiding underneath. He simply shrugged and decided to open the mysterious gift. When he finally saw what he had received, he couldn't help but admire it. It was a black candle carved with a snake on it. Enadira can tell, despite his usual expression, that he liked the gift. She was happy; he liked it, and she felt her heart slowly beat with joy.

Snape put the candle in its holder on his desk. Snape then noticed a card inside and opened it to read it. Enadira was no longer in the room when he was focused on the letter, for she had another surprise for him. Snape finished reading the letter, put it in a drawer, and left the room. When he opened the door, Enadira stood in front of him with two drinks.

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