Chapter 3

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Enadira had awoken from her slumber. As she rose halfway on the bed and peered around, she realized where she was. She was at Hogwarts and in Gryffindor. "Oh right, best to see what time it is," Enadira thought as she turned to her night desk on the left and grabbed her pocket watch to check the time. "7:30 AM," she said, checking her schedule for today. "If classes start at nine, I should probably get ready now," she thought, getting out of bed to get dressed.

Enadira noticed some girls in the room were still sleeping, so she moved very cautiously. As she was putting her things in her satchel, she noticed other girls were waking up and moving quickly. By the time she was ready and began to leave the dorm and walk down the stairs to enter the common room, she found Hermione by the entrance. "Good morning, Hermione," Enadira said to her. Hermione turned around, surprised. "Oh, hello, Enadira," she said to her.

"Want to have breakfast together?" Enadira asked Hermione. She noticed some people were staring, and she knew why: a Cromwell entered Gryffindor. "Sure, let's go," Hermione said and went out of the common room as Enadira followed, and they walked together to the great hall to eat breakfast. As they were walking together inside the great hall, a few wizards were whispering around the room. "What's going on?" Hermione asked as she noticed the whispers, thinking Harry was here.

"They're probably whispering about me and how I got into Gryffindor," Enadira said as they found a spot to sit down. "I wouldn't worry about that; you have proven to be here even if you are the first in your family," Hermione said as she was cutting her bacon. "Thanks, Hermione," Enadira said, giving a small smile as she took a bite of her eggs. "I did find out about a fun fact," she said to Hermione. "What?" Hermione asked. "My father was in Gryffindor, and I'm sleeping on the same bed he did," Enadira said, smiling.

Hermione looked up at Enadira and could tell that she was happy. "At least you're starting to feel welcomed," she said. Enadira grabbed her cup of orange juice and began to sip. "Yeah," she said. As Hermione and Enadira finished eating breakfast, they decided to walk together for classes today. "We have Transfiguration first; it's best to get a move on," Hermione said as they walked down the stairs. "It's on the ground floor around the middle courtyard, taught by Professor McGonagall," Enadira read aloud from her mother's journal to Hermione.

She turned around. "How did you know that?" she asked. Enadira showed the book to Hermione. "It's my mother's journal," she said, and she put it away in her satchel. "How much did she write?" Hermione asked. "It's like a novel," she said. They finally enter the classroom, and Enadira can't help but admire the space. It was big, with tables on each side, while Professor McGonagall was nowhere to be seen.

Only a cat was on her desk at the end of the room, with a board beside it and a few cages with different birds inside. A few students were already in the room as others began to enter. As Enadira and Hermione took their seats along with everyone else, the cat who was on McGonagall's desk jumped and transformed into Professor McGonagall herself. Every student had their mouths opened by the surprise. "Welcome to Transfiguration class," Professor McGonagall said.

"Now that you're paying attention, transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts," she said. "Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back." "You have been warned," she said to the class. As she took roll call and stopped at Enadira's name, she went up to her and said, "Your mother was a bit of a troublemaker in this class; I hope that you are no exception." "Is it true she turned someone into a skunk?" Enadira asked in a low voice, biting a bit of her lip.

"It was a catastrophe," Professor McGonagall claims, sighing at the memory. "Then you won't have any trouble with me, Professor," Enadira said, nodding her head. Professor McGonagall nodded. "Good," she said, and went back to her desk. Hermione leaned a bit. "Why did she turn someone into a skunk?" she asked Enadira. "Apparently he was being a creep and wouldn't leave her alone; he had a crush on her and she already rejected him," she said to her.

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